Mike Ice

Well Known Member

We were going to fly to Kodiak today but after checking the weather and flipping coins, swinging cats over our heads and chanting we changed our minds.

The trip got switched to Yakutat but at 11,500 headed east out of Anchorage, over Prince William Sound, the winds aloft were 30 to 40 mph and head winds, weren't as forecasted so I became suspicious because that usually means the entire area forecast is going to be wrong and we deviated once again.

We turned towards Kenai and flew over the airport at 12,500 feet doing 180 mph GPS speed and went over to Redoubt Volcano and circled it and took pictures. We were able to do this because the volcano has been down graded to a yellow status and the TFR's were lifted. Boy what happened to that area from that volcano is pretty spectacular. We got pretty close to the volcano while trying to keep out of the gas cloud.

Came back after 2.7 hour flight and now will take a nap. Tough day.

Just kidding these RV's are wonderful machines a flight like that in our old Cessna 170B would have taken all day.

If I can figure out how to post pictures I will post a few.

Mike Ice
Until Mike can get his shots up, take a look at this site

Many fantastic photos here.

Mike, hope you figure out how to post photos-----
Redoubt volcano pictures again

Try again:


That brown stuff on the snow is ash.
Mike Ice
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I spent last week up in Alaska vacationing with the family. All the glaciers from Juneau to Mt. McKinley were covered in ash from where the volcano blew. Sure made a mess! Beautiful photos!!! Dan
"they" outta outlaw volcanos- all that dark ash will cause the snow to melt faster, leaving warmer temps for fish later in the summer, and accelerating global warming!
I've never been to Alaska but several times I visited Kamchatka. That's on the other side of the pond Mike you probably can see it from your backyard:) I can tell you the view is spectacular, eruptions and ash clouds are impressive. It is not easy to capture all the beauty and translate it through the pictures but Mike you did an outstanding job! Thanks.