
Well Known Member
The problem: just one panel mounted radio, no audio panel and no room in the panel for one, and my radio transmissions are hard read in the 131 to 132 MHz range.

Resources: A backup radio in reserve, and a extra Bob Archer VOR antenna in the left wingtip.

Solution: Hang the second radio under the panel, connect it to the VOR antenna, and plug a handheld mike into the mike jack. If they have trouble reading me on Com 1, pick up the handheld mike and transmit over COM2.


It's crude, but seems to transmit and receive just fine over the VOR antenna.

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Yes, it will work. But you will loose performance as the nav antenna is horizontally polarized instead of vertically (VHF Com). Additionally the frequency range is very close, but not correclty tuned which will also degrade performance.
Thanks Kai. The antenna rests on the bottom surface of my wingtip which angles up at almost 45 degrees. Does that help with the polarization issue? I think I read somewhere that with Archer's wingtip Com antenna it should be mounted as verticle as possible.
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Yes, it will help a little. But the Antenna is still not tuned to the correct frequency. If you're happy with the performance you're good to go.
I would always recommend a VHF com antenna vertically installed.
The Archer antennas are amazingly good, if correctly installed. Btw, the Nav antenna on our RV is better than a certified one on a King Air...