
Well Known Member
In order to stay in practice for the upcoming air show season with Team AeroDynamix, fellow Cincinnatian and teammate Ken Rieder and I have been flying a few air shows on our own as "Redline". We will be in Charlotte this weekend for the "Warbirds over Monroe" airshow. Ken and I are working our way to a Level 1 (surface SAC card) "Statement of Aerobatic Competency". After this show we will be able to apply for this and join the rest of Team AD with this qualification.
Trevor Griffis captured this image at our last show in Bedford, IN.

The Redline "Mirror Pass"

Mating 8's

I don't know what you guys were doing but it looks... fun. I almost expect to see a bunch of little 3's and 4's come out the back.

See you in Monroe
Absolutely not photoshopped! Not sure if we'll ever duplicate that photo again.
Sure wish Lead would have remembered the "smoke on" call before rolling inverted though!;)
Fantastic Photo, John. Could we get a larger copy? Via email maybe?
