
Well Known Member
I see that Doug is looking to jazz up Flash. See this link.

Maybe what Flash really needs is a woman?

Flash 2.JPG

...or is this Flash in drag?

Posts like these make me glad I can ban users.;)
Seriously, that is just awful :). I liked it.

Darwin, you are gonna get real hot one day for that one!

You may need A/C in that hangar!
New flash

Or maybe he needs AC/DC in that hangar! I'm scared. I'm thinking this thread will run away.
good one CJ.

That reminds me of the time my wife and I were out in the North Forty at OSH at closing time and I had her hold up an "Appleton" sign to hitchhike 30 miles to a B & B.

Not a minute later we get picked up by a friendly young couple, and THEY'RE building a 7A (also.) And THEY'RE from CA etc.

The woman said she saw the sign and exclaimed, "Look! Old people!" :rolleyes:

we start talking about engines...

The young lady turns around and asks, "Is your plane going to have a snout? I think they're really sexy!" :eek
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mark manda said:
The young lady turns around and asks, "Is your plane going to have a snout? I think they're really sexy!" :eek

Mark, I can better that one. Last year on the way to SNF I was in my 9 and my buddy was in his 4. We were talking back and forth on ch 3. So, some guy asks what we're flying, we say a couple RV's. The guy's wife jumps in and says she wants to build an RV, the husband says she was drooling all over the 10 at the Van's booth. She then cuts in and says she wasn't drooling on it, she LICKED it. :eek: The radio was silent for a few seconds after that.

Ok, we can go back to designing Flash's purdy mouth now. :p
Hey CJ

I just want to clarify one thing, they were sheep ranchers NOT cowboys..... no self respecting cowboy would be caught herding around a bunch of range maggots :D


Good one, Kirk!

Duly noted!!!

To the east coat eye, anyone with one of those funny hats on is a cowboy. Now I know that isn't always true!

;) CJ
Hahahaha, well I guess we don't get as much Hollywood brainwashing due to proximity as the rest of the country!!!

...or at least I don't listen to it!?!?

KirkGrovesRV8 said:
I just want to clarify one thing, they were sheep ranchers NOT cowboys..... no self respecting cowboy would be caught herding around a bunch of range maggots :D
So says the guy who named his plane the Dakota "Queen". Kind of makes me wonder. ;)