
Well Known Member
My son was flipping channels here on my office TV - and stopped on something called the "RedBull Air Race Series". About all I can say is WOW. Just caught the last few minutes... but there was some pretty incredible flying along with interesting live instrumentation showing at times - Speed/Altitude/G's.

Way Cool. :)
Saw this the same way last week - except I got to see nearly all of it. What an awesome race series - way better than anything else I've ever seen before. I was so excited afterwards that I told the wife that I will be driving up to San Francisco in October!

Check it out - make sure to go to the videos section:

RedBull Air Race Series
Dan Checkoway organized an RV box seat section at last year's Red Bull races in San Francisco. I was luckily able to attend and it really was a fun event. WAY TOO SHORT! It needs to be an all-afternoon event. I would like to see something like this rolled in with Reno but I suspect there are way too many egos on both sides for this to happen.
reno air races

They did this at Reno a couple of years ago....I hope again this year cuz I'm going. Those guys are either super talented or totally crazy....probably both but it totally rocks.
I'd really like to head down there for this event. Is there any RV thing organized? I'd love to come down and check it out and meet some of the RV folks down in CA.
You can do it too!

I saw a demo of MS Flight Sim X at Osh, and it appears that they will have a Red Bull Air Race mission included. That should be fun, especially with the TrackIR set-up to allow you to look for the next gate.
I found out that we will be getting it Down Under in Perth West Australia Nov 19th. Over the Swan River, and this is all FREE !!! We also get it on FTA ch 10 when the sports are on.
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I'll Be There

Last night I went out to one of our local establishments that has been around since the 1800's. I was with a couple of friends that are not aviation savy. We were enjoying a few refreshments and caught the event on the TV. I was amazed at what I saw. That is some of the most amazing flying that I have ever seen. San Franciso in October, here I come. I will have to go via earthbound means but it is only about 3 to 4 hours. Would love to join in a RV gathering if avaialable. Hope to see so me other RV'ers there :D :D
chuck said:
I'd really like to head down there for this event. Is there any RV thing organized? I'd love to come down and check it out and meet some of the RV folks down in CA.
Nothing in stone yet, but I'd like to attend again this year. It was a blast last year. If anybody else wants to organize this year, please a lot of irons in the fire currently.
Red Bull Air Races

This is a fairly new project for Red Bull (third year in existence), and is the most watched sport in all of Europe! The San Francisco races are scheduled for October 6th, with the championship races in Australia this year. Note: Kirby Chambliss told me last week that there will be 3 races on American soil next year. Some of the best in aerobatics flying, including Kirby Chambliss, Mike Goulian, Peter Besenyai, Paul Bonhomme and several others. We have three pilots this year using our engines, and another from South Africa who has been invited next year. Most of the pilots in this race fly either the Extra 300S or the Zivko Edge 540.

It's a brilliant marketing program by Red Bull and goes along well with the X Games sponsorship. Definitely would not expect any cooperation between Reno and RBAR. Different agendas!

I've already got my airfare booked for San Francisco and can't wait!

Rhonda Barrett-Bewley
Barrett Precision Engines, Inc.
dan said:
Nothing in stone yet, but I'd like to attend again this year. It was a blast last year. If anybody else wants to organize this year, please a lot of irons in the fire currently.

Anything new reguarding this in RV land? I am thinking of going up to watch.
Coming up a week from Saturday - It's an 8 hour drive each way for me - so it looks like I will not be able to attend since I can't spare the three days away. Now if someone needs a passenger to share the fuel with from the So. Cal. area we'll have to seriously think about it.