
Active Member


Me and my little RV holding our own with CJ?s and Yak?s as part of the Red Thunder (RPA Formation) team at the Vinton County Airshow. Our RV's can do everything a CJ/Yak can do (sometimes much better) for ~1/5 the hourly operating cost...thank you VAN! :)

I've owned an RV of one kind or another since 1997. I've owned a YAK for 11 years and have flown many Yak's and CJ's. All have their charms and highlights. My Yak50 was exceptional in most ways. And in some respects apples and oranges. In my Yak I could go straight up or straight down anytime never worrying about over G's or exceeded red line. Unlimited aerobatics were an everyday affair. In my RV I can go 200+ mph on 10 GPH. Gentleman aerobatics is a blast with a weary eye on redline and G's.

1/5 of the cost tho? No way bro. In fact, I'd say a Yak 52 is the best bang for the buck out there with reasonable maintenance costs and 13gph on auto gas with the purchase price of a 'cheap' low end RV.

I love them all and would be careful of branding one community over another. They all have their charms and highlights. Have one of each👍
Was those photos taken at the Vinton county airshow? I saw your performance with the Yaks, we flew our RV 12 at that event.