
Well Known Member
I found an interesting deal on Aircraft Spruce: They sell the Red Cube for only $129.50 vs Garmin's price of $272.50.

Garmin's sensor package saves you $66 from buying the sensors separately from Garmin, but buying the Red Cube from ACS and getting the other sensors separately still saves you over $77. There might be additional cost savings in sourcing some of the other sensors separately.

I found this out because I needed the Red Cube sooner than the rest of the sensors for measuring the fuel lines for assembly by TSFlightlines.
Word to the wise, be sure to place your fuel flow sensor in a relatively accessible location. I helped a guy replace one, but had to practically dismantle the entire forward fuselage to get to it! He had buried it near the boost pump under the floorboard ... I recommend it in the engine compartment.
I recently added an FC-10 fuel computer with a red cube to my RV-6. I made a simple bracket and mounted it on the engine side of the firewall. Very simple installation.
I agree with the firewall forward location. BUT-----have an open mind about location. Even if you dont have the cube yet, you can visualize the location and plumbing. Heck, for that matter, take a piece of wood and make a mockup. That way you can actually place it in various locations, and see hose it affects plumbing. Doesnt have to be elaborate, but it sure beats having to scrap some hoses because what you thought would work, doesnt.
I'm placing mine where a fellow local RV builder did. I've also seen it mentioned here on VAF: Between the fuel Servo and Spider. Mine's a horizontal cold air injected Silverhawk setup.

Tom at TS Flightlines is making me hose sections. It'll be a short horizontal straight section from servo to Red Cube, then a vertical length of hose with a 90 at the bottom and straight at the top from Cube to spider.
Red cube Deal

Is the " Red Cube " from Spruce compatible with Garmin or other engine monitors ?
Word to the wise, be sure to place your fuel flow sensor in a relatively accessible location...

Yes, yes, and yes. Mine was defective from the mfgr and had to be replaced in the first 10 hrs of flying time. By a stroke of luck, I had mounted it in an accessible location.
on top of engine?

What is the thought on placing the Red Cube on top of the engine before the spider?

That is where my current fuel flow sensor is placed, wrapped in firesleeve and mounted with two Adel clamps to the pushrod tubes.

Its about 5-6% off at fill up, which seems reasonable for a non-K factor adjustable totalizer.
It's the one included in the Garmin Engine Sensor package.

Except...try calling the cheap source for advice on setting it up, configuring (ask the person who answers the phone what a "K-factor" is), plumbing, warranty, etc... How likely do you think the EFIS mfgr or the dealer who sold you the other stuff will be when you need help if they didn't make any money on that part?

Remember, price is what you pay - value is what you get.

Except...try calling the cheap source for advice on setting it up, configuring (ask the person who answers the phone what a "K-factor" is), plumbing, warranty, etc... How likely do you think the EFIS mfgr or the dealer who sold you the other stuff will be when you need help if they didn't make any money on that part?

Remember, price is what you pay - value is what you get.


Good points Stein.

I have a buddy who used to be one of Paul Allen's (Microsoft Billionaire) corporate pilots. He has a friend who's a local avionics dealer and offered to connect me with him to get deals on avionics...

However, this other avionics shop has been terrific in helping me decide on equipment, answering technical questions, even calling me when seeing me post questions.

I didn't even consider going with my buddy's guy. :)

Thanks Stein!
I know your "buddy's guy" and he's an excellent source too. You missed that boat!

Good points Stein.

I have a buddy who used to be one of Paul Allen's (Microsoft Billionaire) corporate pilots. He has a friend who's a local avionics dealer and offered to connect me with him to get deals on avionics...

However, this other avionics shop has been terrific in helping me decide on equipment, answering technical questions, even calling me when seeing me post questions.

I didn't even consider going with my buddy's guy. :)

Thanks Stein!

Small world.....!
The nice thing is that it's a relatively good sized ocean, and even though I personally think we are the prettiest boat out there, there are other boats that are very good choices as well. Just like the avionics themselves, multiple choices are good for everyone. There are bigger boats, fancier boats, faster boats, cheaper boats, smaller boats, slower boats, more expensive boats, foreign boats, local boats, and enough of an assortment to go around...makes it fun for all! Plus, if everyone out there jumped on one single boat, that boat might end up like one of those overloaded Ferries we read about in the news!
