
Well Known Member

If you haven't see the Red Bull Air Races yet take a look at this link

They are competing at Monument Valley AZ this weekend. There are some amazing videos on this site.

In September they will be competing in San Diego. I am considering making a trek to see them.

Fox Sports network will air the series but I don't know when.

Real spectacular flying skills................
Thanks for the link.

And for anyone checking the web page out, don't miss the "gallery" photo's!

I was at Budapest last year and have booked tickets to the this year's Budapest race already. Go there (any event) once and you'll go again! This is the best air events I've ever attended -- haven't been in any other event which I really feel I have to see again. One of the best things is that these events are free of charge and at least in Budapest the Red Bull drinks were cheaper than in local shops. Ok, free of charge if you don't drink Red Bull drinks. ;)
Pirkka said:
I was at Budapest last year and have booked tickets to the this year's Budapest race already. Go there (any event) once and you'll go again! This is the best air events I've ever attended -- haven't been in any other event which I really feel I have to see again. One of the best things is that these events are free of charge and at least in Budapest the Red Bull drinks were cheaper than in local shops. Ok, free of charge if you don't drink Red Bull drinks. ;)

Don't forget the Grey Goose.
With Sarkozy now in charge I'll be buying me a bottle. Its been too long. ;)
Pmerems said:
Fox Sports network will air the series but I don't know when.

Fox Sports normally airs the races two weeks after the live event. 7pm Central Time on Saturday nights :)
I went to see them in Perth Western Australia last Nov 2006.
Cost of air show was $0 you still can get something for free these days !!!
I had to Fly from the East coast for a wedding the week after , so all was good.
Perth has it for the next 3- 4 years, If Anyone happens to go, you MUST be on the south side of the river, as all the people on the North side had no toilets or Sound system !!
The local Airforce Base RAAF Pearce put on a show before AND after.. I love F/A 18s
They also show it on HDNET and Discovery HD -- yes in high def and Dolby 5.1 audio -- very cool. I have several events on my DVR which shall not be deleted anytime soon! Gotta finish the -7A first before I can turn into a couch potato again. :)