
Does anyone have any experience with these probes? Seems like they Princeton Electronics became RED and are now producing the probes. Their documentation leaves a bit to be desired but the way I am reading them the probe does not use plates like the older VANS probes did that people were putting in their aircraft. Looking to install on a 10, so likely a 24 inch probe with a 5 inch bendable section that would have a bend towards the top then through a hole towards the bottom of the tank. Since the copper contact is inside of the probe does it need to be secured to the bottom of the tank via proseal (not covering the opening) or is there another method to secure it within the tank?

Any input would be appreciated
The probe is reasonably stiff and likely will not require any attachment other than via its mounting bolts. You definitely want to ensure there is NOTHING used in the installation that brings with it the potential for conduction between the central element and the outer sleeve or tube of the probe.
My understanding is that the guy who runs RED Avionics bought everything from the Princeton guy, and is carrying on the product lines, just with a different sticker on the box. I replaced one of my Princeton "Vans Plate" adapters with the RED version and it was a drop-in replacement. Same case footprint, same wires, same interface/configuration on the EFIS.
Yeah, there is no need to attach the button of the probe to the bottom of the tank. Leave about a 3/16”-1/4” gap. I used the Princeton probes in my RV-10 but elected to use the float sensors in my -9A. IMHO, not worth the money plus I sometimes run auto fuel so the calibration with the probes will be off if you do. No such issues with the floats.
I have the same probe in my plane with a GRT EIS used for displaying quantity. I bought it when it was still Princeton but believe it is the same. I really like it. Simple to install and calibrate. In my case (Wittman Tailwind) I did not have to bend the probe. It has been accurate for over 800 hrs. Also as someone said, no need to anchor to the bottom of the tank. The inside central element is held in the center of the tube by a little plastic "spacer"

I am not sure about any differences if you run mogas (non ethanol). I do that frequently and haven't noticed any difference.
