
Well Known Member
In order to keep track of what I need to do when, I put together a list of things that need to be done by a certain date or a certain reading on the Hobbs. It's a work in progress but here's what I've come up with so far. What am I missing? Also, what would be the best way to sort this list, or should I put it on an actual calendar?

Condition Inspection

Oil Change
(25 hrs.)

Oil+Filter Change
(50 hrs.)

ELT Self-Test
(3 mos.)

ELT Battery Replacement
(5 yrs.)

ELT Remote Battery
PX28L (10 yrs.)

ELT Buzzer Battery
CR2 (10 years)

Davton Clock Backup Batteries
(every year)

Main Battery
(three years?)

Dead Stop CO Indicator
(12 mos.)

Magneto inspection
(500 hrs.)

Single-piece venturi

Transponder check
(24 calendar months)

Airport Badge
(two years)

Basic Med (online)
(two years)

Insurance Renewal
Here's a couple more ideas:

My Plane Power alternator requires disassembly and brush inspection every 500 hrs. Some people replace their alternator belt preemptively at 500 hrs instead of waiting for failure.

Lycoming valve wobble test per SB# (I can't remember) - 400 hrs if non-chromed valve guides, 1000 hrs with chrome guides

How about database upgrades - every 28 days for IAPs

COSPAS/SARSAT 406 ELT database renewal every 2 years
I forgot that one, too! Thank you! I guess I need to read the SB on the wobble test. I only have 220 hrs on this engine, so I probably have a while...I hope.

It's easy to put the data into an Excel spreadsheet and typing in the current hours. If you also use the "today's date" function it can check for calendar events 'days-to-go' or 'days-late' every time you open the file.
It's already in Excel, but I'm unfamiliar with those date functions. I'll have to play around with that.

It's not too bad.

Each item gets a line. One column can give status on the day you open the file -

=IF($H$1>F6, "Due!!",IF($H$1+25>F6,"soon","OK"))

Do some conditional formatting to color code the status. :)

$H$1 is a fixed cell with todays date - =TODAY()