
VAF moderator
The King Air type rating was expensive.... It broke my soul to sell my RV-3 to help pay for all this and then the recruiter says "you are 67 hours short for our minimums of 1000 PIC". Well darn and hold the phone. I made arrangements to build time in an RV-6. After flying ALL over Houston, it was time to do something really fun. So to answer the burning question of what to do to help burn 67 hrs of flying, here you go! I drew out a message on my iPad and traced it with the airplane to create a visual flight plan message. It was the first try doing this and my apologies for the horrible handwriting but maybe if I slip this in with the job application... It might put me over the top. Input? Big thanks to all the wonderful RV folks I've met in Houston!!!! Especially Hank for trusting me with his baby....

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Nicely done Brian. How did you trace it to the chart? It's a two hours work with fruitpen to dot the route. Below is a 20 min dotting.


The IPad with the electronic sectional has a protective case over it. An ink pen was used for the letters and the auto center function was off. It took some really careful slow flight to do tight turns at the ends of the letters as not to make them look sloppy. Flying the word "please" was interesting as it was flown from right to left or backwards..... Always up for a challenge....
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Trial and error....

The first trial was 20 min or so for two big letters.... The rest took about 3 hours.... Phew!!!
The first trial was 20 min or so for two big letters.... The rest took about 3 hours.... Phew!!!

Thats a lot of presicion flying Brian I hear you. The longest time on a silhouette I ever draw was 2.9h. Good job! Fun isn't it?
After Brian was flying 70 hrs in my airplane in the past week and half, i think i need to check the wing spars..

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pretty funny actually

Pretty funny actually how Vlad uses precision GPS coordinates and you go and use a crayon on an Ipad in like 20 seconds.

Love the easy way, but admire Vlad's precision
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Brian, Good luck getting that flying job!


Building RV-7A
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