dick seiders

Well Known Member
Anybody out there know how to tie in an Iphone to the intercom system (ie; connect to headsets) so that when doing data collection for PAP one could simply voice it into the headset mic and have the data recorded on the Iphone? Making extensive notes while flying at any time not a good idea. Appreciate any feedback.
Dick Seiders (back in the air after losing 3 weeks to Dynon issue).
Tony, thanks. Didn't install the 31-10 device. Would be a hassle now. Have tried an intercom "y", but for some reason the Iphone isn't hearing it. Will have to experiment further. PAP will have to wait untill recorder issue solved.
Dick (26.4 hrs and loving it.)
If you have a small mic, try putting it in your headset earcup. It might be able to pick up your side-tone enough to meet the need.
For recording headset audio, I used a number of splitters, etc...

If you have a small mic, try putting it in your headset earcup. It might be able to pick up your side-tone enough to meet the need.

But along those lines, I had the best luck with an in-ear mic "Olympus TP-7 Telephone Recording Device" : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GU88CQ

I use this with a dedicated mini-recorder, so not sure about the iPhone. Handy for recording phone calls too. It was also the cheapest thing I tried... ;)
Recording those pesky PAP 10000 foot climbs...

Iphone isn't hearing it. Will have to experiment further. PAP will have to wait untill recorder issue solved.
Dick (26.4 hrs and loving it.)

Recording the altitude block start and end times and the middle block air temps is probably where the recorder would be most useful. However, an alternate to that is to get the exact data from the Dynon data log after the flight. The disadvantage here is that there is a tremendous amount of data in the log and it takes a bit of sleuthing to find what you want on your computer screen. But you get the all the exact data with no attention taken from flying the plane. Also, you would need to have the Dynon data plug routed to a convenient location. Taking off the tunnel cover or (in later plans) pulling out the Dynon on its service loop to access the data plug is not convenient.
The PAP has you download the data log after each test flight card anyway, so this would be at least one good use for it.

An alternate to that is to get the exact data from the Dynon data log after the flight. You would need to have the Dynon data plug routed to a convenient location. Taking off the tunnel cover or (in later plans) pulling out the Dynon on its service loop to access the data plug is not convenient. The PAP has you download the data log after each test flight card anyway said:
The new MGL X-treme has an SD card right in the front for data exchange...... nice touch.