
Hi all - My -6 is in need of her first - and hopefully last - paint job (still flying bare after 2 years). I would like to keep the work somewhere in the greater Seattle/Puget Sound/Western Washington area. The scheme will be fairly simple, no fancy layout or graphics. Any recommendations/referrals much appreciated. If there are shops/painters to stay away from, that would be worth knowing also. :eek:

Well there is Arlington

I went to the guy at Arlington many years ago. The finished product was fine, no complaints. The negatives was it took way to long (promises not kept), the cost was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over estimate ($4,500 became $7,000), the bill had items that where not for my plane (they corrected but there where charges for several paint suits and supplies that seemed excessive). Bottom line NO. However, lesson learned. GET A FIRM PRICE, GET A FIRM SCHEDULE W/ SOME KIND OF HARD TIME LINE. The deal is with the bigger guys a big plane they can make more money with they will put you on the back burner and still charge an arm and a leg. Good Luck

I can hook you up with a painter. He owned an aircraft paint business for over 25 years. He is retired now and takes projects on a case by case basis. He has painted countless RV's, four on our field last year alone. He travels and has access to a booth here in Southwest Washington. Very professional, timely, reliable. He knows how to put the paint on and make it stick. I would use him again. Email me offline.

George, that must be the same experience written up in the Paint Shop Review section of the site - think I'll avoid that one. :rolleyes:

JonJay, you out there?

JonJay, I emailed you last week but have not heard back. Would love to get some info on your painter friend. Shoot me an email if you have a chance. THX
Email Problems

Sorry, I have been having email issues. I will get that info to you soon.
I talked to a guy at Western airport just south of the Seattle area. He seemed reasonable in price. Didn't have him do the job as I found someone here in Vancouver WA. Ended up having to fire him and painting it myself. Problem is that there just isn't many places you can paint yourself. George had some really good suggestions - keep them in mind when talking to anyone. Good luck