This is a frequently asked question, and the answer is:
1. Only one insurance company directly issues quotes, and that is Avemco.
To get a quote from them, call them directly. In recent years they have been not competitive (expensive) for quotes on RVs, but they often send out a nice baseball cap.
2. All other companies will not quote you, an individual, directly. They expect you to go thru a "broker" (like an independent agent in car insurance). A single good broker should get you quotes from all the non-Avemco companies (there aren't that many). In fact some companies take a genuine dis-like at being asked for multiple quotes from multiple brokers for the same person. So I recommend just picking one. Remember the agent's job is to provide service to you, answer questions, suggest things, discuss experience requirements, dual required, etc. I, and many others here, use and are happy with the Gallagher Agency (they advertise on the side banners, here on VAF. Call, ask for Jenny or one of her assistants, have a nice, free talk. They don't give out baseball hats, but they do throw a nice party at Oshkosh!
I've had very good service with EAA's insurance broker Falcon Insurance
Phone # 866-647-4322

Since the brokers all request quotes from the same insurance companies, it isn't appropriate to ask for quotes from multiple brokers. Only Avemco quotes directly, and I have found them to be much more expensive.

+1 for Falcon Insurance and ask for Donn Gauger. I have used Donn as my broker within Falcon for the last 15yrs and he has been superb.
I have been very happy with Gallagher as well for my airplanes and for builders risk during the build. It's easy to get a quote online, and prices have always been competitive (and usually better than) the other brokers. If you need someone to talk to, they're always a quick email or phone call away.
RV insurance

Working with Brokers for the Last 35 years I can say call Jenny Estes and her staff at AJ Gallagher they are the very best and if it can be insured they will make it happen for the very best price. More then once I have sent them a client that was having trouble getting RV insurance at they got it done. I highly recommend them.

Michael Seager
Don't worry about finding a good insurance company, find a good insurance broker and let them worry about finding you the best company. I've been using Leah Ringeisen at Gallagher. She has not only been very helpful, she actually answers her phone, and returns phone calls and emails promptly.
Gallagher has been the location sponsor for our Oshkosh RV Social since 2013.
And they are top notch folks, every one.
+1 for Gallagher with one cautionary note - ensure that your certificates/ratings are captured accurately for the quote. In my initial conversation, I had mentioned that I had an instrument rating but somehow that got lost in the rest of the process and I didn't catch it on the binding paperwork - there was broad question about certificates and ratings and I didn't realize that the instrument rating should have been in there (this was my first plane purchase).

The omission got discovered a few weeks ago when I reached out to discuss my first renewal (in May). To give them credit, they acknowledged their error and reached out to the carrier (AIG) to see if anything could be done for this period (the answer was no) but AIG apparently indicated that if I renewed with them, they would give me an additional discount to make up for the mistake that was made on my original policy.

Also +1 for Gallagher on prompt responses to calls/emails.
This is a frequently asked question, and the answer is:
1. Only one insurance company directly issues quotes, and that is Avemco.
To get a quote from them, call them directly. In recent years they have been not competitive (expensive) for quotes on RVs, but they often send out a nice baseball cap.

I have a hate on for Avemco. I was insured with them in Canada for at least 10 years. Then they exited Canada with no notice to their customers...just disappeared. I would never insure with them even if they returned to Canada on bended knee.
Another broker to consider is Skysmith in Iowa. I've had good service for the past 25 years with them.
Same. 23 years. My hangar is insured with them also. Each year they reliably and politely (multiple times usually) remind me when I need to renew my insurance related information before providing 2, 3 quotes.