
Well Known Member
I have friends almost finished with an RV-10. They are bringing it down from Oregon to SoCal (they live in San Clemente) in late Mar/early April to do the final assembly and test phase. I'm looking for recommendations on preferred airports for Phase One considering they live in San Clemente.
They're going to hangar in Oceanside, but I have heard DARs (and others, me included) discourage OKB as an option.

Also, looking for recommendations on DARs and possible first flight pilots for same.
Thanks in advance!

Sebastian Trost
RV-7A 320 hours
Boulder City, NV (61B)
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Tell Sam and Armin I said hi! (I'm assuming it's theirs, given the location and details). Glad to hear the 10 is comin' home! I saw Armin in our pilot lounge at work last month, and knew it was getting close! Can't wait to see it!

On the PH I location...been a long time since I flew out of Palomar, but that could be an option (albeit perhaps an expensive one!). Fallbrook is shorter than O'side, and maybe has some of the same issues for Phase I, and not a ton of flat spots to put it down if needed, but it has less dense population around it, and more airspace room to work away from the Pendleton restricted areas. French Valley would be a heck of a drive, but offers an option...pretty wide open up there. Not sure on DAR's or 1st flight pilots in the area, but maybe Gary Sobek (EAA Tech Counselor in Corona, and VAF member) would be a good source for ideas on all these questions.

And heck, if they really get in a pinch, I'll make room for it in my hangar at Stead, and they can stay with us as much as they like during Phase I! Long way away, but they're more than welcome! With Armin based in Vegas, that area could even offer some alternatives for PH I...just thoughts.

And please tell Armin to his keester get on here and post some pix!! :)

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Second recommendation to use Gary Sobek.
Chino might be a bit of a drive but you've got great RV company out there.