steve murray

Well Known Member
I am planning a trip from ATL to Houston to visit my son at Rice University. Looking for recommendations for an airfield. I will probably need to rent a car as my son has no transportation (all the money went into an RV and Rice!)

I saw KIWS about 25 miles west of Rice??

Thanks for the input.

Sugarland or Houston Southwest are your closest options. I'm pretty sure Sugarland has rentals. Really doubt if Houston Southwest does.

I don't have an airport directory handy. Check on the rental before hand.

Consider KHOU It is the closest to Rice. I used to go in there a lot from Louisiana in my Grumman when Fletchair FBO was there. Not as bad as it seems. Fuel is more expensive but check on overnight fees, etc.

If you go out west there is a VFR corridor between KHOU and KIAH along I-10. Keeps you low over the city.

As a former Rice student, I second the recommendation for HOU. A lot of people get nervous about flying into the main Bravo airport, but HOU is truly easy. The controllers are very friendly and service is good.

If thats not your bag though, try EFD, AXH, or LVJ in that order. West Houston (IWS) is in my opinion quite a drive.

Welcome to Houston!
Hobby isn't bad - the controllers are used to mixing slower and faster traffic. Expect to pay a ramp fee at the FBOs.

EFD is another alternative, but a little further away. Less traffic, cheaper tiedowns.

IWS is a hike although a great facility.

I was at Sugarland...

Sugarland or Houston Southwest are your closest options. I'm pretty sure Sugarland has rentals. Really doubt if Houston Southwest does.

I don't have an airport directory handy. Check on the rental before hand.


...just before Christmas, and they had removed all of their tie-down points when they re-surfaced their ramp...:eek:

They said they just go with the "triple chock" method of plane tie-down! -- bad enough for my Tiger, and definitely not good for a lighter 2 place RV.

Rental cars are available, but call the FBO to see if they have real tie-downs -- the impression I got was that the only alternative was hangar rental at $50 per night.

HOU is for sure closer in to town, but the plane watching at EFD is great. Yesterday a P-47 came in and out, followed a bit later by a B-17 doing a few touch and goes. The NASA T-38's are out and about a lot, all manner of military jets stop in routinely, and if you're lucky, the NASA RB-57 might make an appearance.

Go Weiss!
HOU is for sure closer in to town, but the plane watching at EFD is great. Yesterday a P-47 came in and out, followed a bit later by a B-17 doing a few touch and goes. The NASA T-38's are out and about a lot, all manner of military jets stop in routinely, and if you're lucky, the NASA RB-57 might make an appearance.

Go Weiss!
You do get to see a lot of different traffic at EFD. Lots of Feds / Suits hanging out in the FBO terminal when they have VIPs coming and going. Not your typical airport :)


TODR, who misses "old Weiss"