
I have an RV-4 that needs new paint. I don't have a big check book, so I'm looking for recommendations for a strip and paint. I was hoping to stay in the $5-$7k range, but I'm not sure how much luck I'll have with that. I'm in the Midwest region, so closer is better.. (Can I get fries with that??) :)

Thanks for any info..
I looked for a long time before I found a hungry auto body man who did a complete strip, refill (composite body lancair) and repaint for the bottom end of your price target. It can be done.
If your aircraft's paint is intact but just faded, you might want to try our SUPERBIRD Aircraft Paint Restoration System that makes your paint - white or colors - bright and shiny once again.

Plus, it's only $99.99, including free shipping in the USA.

Double plus: purchase using the link below and we will make a donation to Doug Reeves/VAF with every purchase! :D

I painted both of my first projects in a hangar paint booth made of 2x4s, plastic, furnace filters and a large exhaust fan. The booth will set you back $500 or so if you get decent lighting, I?d guess for an RV-4 the paint will cost $2K (I did both with PPG base/clear).

Ask around - you should find another builder that painted his own plane that can help you. Painting is far easier with two people.

The photo is the RV-10 getting reassembled after paint.

Is your plane assembled or not?
How many different colors do you want?
How complex is your paint scheme?

All those things impact the price of the paint job.

If it is dissembled, I know a great painter in the Charlotte, NC area, if you want to truck it down to him. The problem with that is you risk damaging it on both trips because he is not at an airport.
Paint cost a fortune today so figure that into the cost. Make sure you see a value painters work too cause it cost more to do it over than the first time.

Vinyl will cost you about $2k in material.
fella just SE of San Antonio did...

..me a great job on an RV9 at a decent price a couple of years ago. he is still in business and i hear his prices aren't bad now either. pm me and i will get you the info cause i am out of the country at the mo...don o.