
Hello all. Would like to know what you would recommend for a TSO'd altimeter. Ideally I would like it to be 2 1/4". It is for a backup in an IFR capable RV-10.

I had a look at the winter 4FGH40 but would like to know what other options exist.
Back up Altimeter

Hi Daniel

I've got a 2 1/4" 3 pointer Winter altimeter in my panel for the same reason as yourself. Only issue is the lack of lighting, but this, along with my back up Winter ASI, are lit with "Nulites" from Spruce.

Midcontinent do a TSO's unit for around $1K, there may be others
Unfortunately there aren't any really good affordable options. As far as I know, the Winter altimeters are not TSO'd (at least the 2" ones), though I think you can get an EASA form 1 with them. Also, the 2" versions from United or Mid-Continent are around $4K, the 3" ones over $1K. If you get to the $4K range, honestly you're probably just as well off to get one of the lower priced certified Aspen Avionics units instead of the analog Altimeter (the reliability will be better, and you get a full fledged EFIS along with it).

In the end the 3" units will cost much less than the 2" units (by a huge margin). I also assume you'll need one in Millibars instead of Inches...which again can somewhat limit your options.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we've seen this many times with various countries that require the altimeter or other parts to be TSO'd.
