
Well Known Member
I am looking to polish parts of my tail as in the end parts of the plane will have the polished look. Was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations and/or advice on what is the best. Also, what tools and such I will need.?

as usually thanks

I am looking to polish parts of my tail as in the end parts of the plane will have the polished look. Was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations and/or advice on what is the best. Also, what tools and such I will need.?

as usually thanks

One word. Nuvite. Google Nuvite Polish. They lead you by the hand through the whole process.

There may be something that equals it, but there's none better.
I have to "Second" the Nuvite product and approach...nothing finer.
I polished portions of my tail...and very happy with results.
Nuvite is the way to go.
All those AirStream RVs used it.
I've abandoned the polished look as I only completed my wings and never got to the finish polish. Lots of work and I began to get oxidation after 4 months here in FL.

If you decide to polish, let me know as I will give you a great deal on my products I purchased and will not use. I've just completed the conversion to paint.
paint after Nuvite polish?

Does the Nuvite system leave anything on the skins that would make the paint prep process significantly more involved? Just wondering if the polishing compound is easy enought to scrub & clean off during paint prep.
Anybody out there with experience in painting previously polished skins?

I'm flying without paint for now and am getting some white spotting (small surface corrosion spots) on the skins. I'd like to polish for now with something that will keep the skins better protected until I can paint, but want to be careful I don't use anything that will complicate the later paint job.
I like the polished look but don't like the glare off the wing tops on sunny days so at least for the wings, polished won't be the final look. But I might be measuring the wait to paint in years vice months so thought polishing might offer some corrosion protection in the mean time.

Your thoughts?