
Brian Delamater (some may remember him?) spent 5 years (2008-13) building his RV7 then had to stop for three years. He was then able to restart work in 2016 but with much regret circumstances meant that he was never able to finish her. The right decision for Brian was to sell her, and in Jan 2017 she was advertised, on here, from his S.Carolina home.

This side of the pond (on the south coast of England) I saw Brian's advertisement and an Anglo/American deal was born! Brian was meticulous in sending me everything to finish her (except an engine and prop which had already been sold 3 years earlier). She flew for the first time last week, so one more RV7 can be added to the list of flying RV7s, and here's a not very good youtube video of her in flight. https://youtu.be/oGMm01cFKi4

Many thanks to Brian, who did a great job building most of her, and many thanks to those of you who helped Brian and me get her flying.

Happy Flying.
