RV-6 rebuild

RFazio said:
I've been working like a maniac. I really think I will get the plane back in the air this summer. Check out the latest pictures.

Good Job!! Keep at it......you are almost there!!
Nice work on the glass at the canopy and root fairing.
The pictures prove there was a lot of work done...:).
I really like the idea of the glass root fairing, can you give me a few pointers on what you did??
Keep up the good work!
Root Fairing

Well what we did was make the fairings while the wing were fitted for rigging/incidence setting. We took a piece of foam about 2.5" square and laid it in the corner of the wing root. Got it to fit good from as far forward till it couldn't curve to as far back as it would go. Then we took it on a table saw with a small blade and ran it sideways through the saw. this gave us the curve or radius for the length of the piece of foam. We put vinyl shelf paper on the wing and fuse. Stuck the foam in the root and at the ends we shaped it with clay. Then we started laying up the fiberglass. We had a line on the fuse and on the wings about 3" from the corner on each. We followed the lines with the cloth. Once hard we removed the foam and clay and cut and shaped the fiberglass. We have 8/32 nut plates on the fuse side but none on the wing. The fairing wrapes around under the wing in front and goes back past the flaps on top. We also have the rear area built up with a second piece from underneath to finish it off. If your really interested I could get you more pictures. I don't have digital pictures of when we did it I didn't have the camera then I only have some old slides. But I could get you more of the finished piece.
Root Fairing

Thanks for the details.
I'd love to see pics of the finished product, especially the underside and flap ends. Seems to me, Fairing etc or one of those guys offers one already done and some early RV guys did extensive research on the area around the flaps, Steve Barnett maybe??
Anyway, your project looks great!! Keep at it.
Pics here would be cool....thanks again.

I like the landing gear. No risk of shimmy there... but I wouldn't want to taxi too fast ;)
Just saw your fire and re-build pix

Richard, I am impressed with your ability to not give up and to go forward with a renewed sense of energy after the fire. It is a great legacy to give to your daughter and an example from which all of us can learn. Keep up the good work. George