steve wyman

Well Known Member
Here's a heads up for you guys on page 25-05. Step 5 tells you to tap 6-32 all the #40 matched drilled holes in the roll bar that you drilled in step 3. #40 drill is the correct one to use, because it allows you to cleco the front edge of the window to the roll bar with silver clecos (3/32). However, before you attempt to tap each hole in the roll bar, re-drill it with a #36 drill- this is the correct tap drill for a 6-32 thread. If you don't, you will find that it is very easy to break the 6-32 tap off in the hole- they are notoriously easy to break in that size. In case you're wondering- I didn't break one off, but only because I felt the tap binding and re-drilled each hole #36 as I went along. I then screwed in a 6-32 machine screw to hold everything in place as I went along. Steve
Thanks Steve...I stopped about there when my tailcone showed you're timing is good. Appreciate it.

not there yet ...

Will a professional painter be able to remove the rear window attached to the roll bar of the RV-12, paint the roll bar & re-attach the window or is it riveted on in some places? Will the roll bar need to have a final coat of paint on it before we attach that window. Not near there yet ... just wondering ...
Thanks Steve

I drilled the holes, then stopped. I want to take the rear 'glass' AND top baggage side skins off for painting. I just left them all clecoed. I feel the plexiglass will take a shape if left in place for a few weeks. I hope it is easier to re-install when the time comes.

I am just waiting for the next kit now. Finished all I could a week or so ago.

John Bender

It will be easier to paint the interior with the rear glass out. It is held in by screws on the roll-bar, and bolts & nuts around the rear. If you are having the entire plane painted by someone else, I would say leave the rear glass out. Others might feel different. Hard to get paint off plexiglass and leave it nice and clear. Masking the inside with bolts etc. would be most difficult.

John Bender
Hi Jerry- I removed the rear window after I drilled and tapped the holes in the roll bar. The window is held in place by 6-32 machine screws all the way around. Steve
Will a professional painter be able to remove the rear window attached to the roll bar of the RV-12, paint the roll bar & re-attach the window or is it riveted on in some places? Will the roll bar need to have a final coat of paint on it before we attach that window. Not near there yet ... just wondering ...