
Rear Window Install - Painting the plexiglass

I've read where some are painting about an inch strip on their rear window to hide the sealant eyesore. I'd like to do this, installing my rear window (held off until the end for accessibility).

What primer/paint are you guys using for this? I reached out to SEM and their reply was "We don't have any products tested on plexiglass and we cannot recommend it".

Looking for just battleship gray ..

Thanks for any tips!
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Bill I just used the same single stage urethane paint I used for the interior. I have not permanently installed the window yet but should look much nicer than the black/grey squish mess showing through.
Thanks, guys! If Icemageddon 2018 lets up today I'll go grab some. Also, if you don't hear from me in the next few days the white blanket of death got us and it's been wonderful chatting with everyone :D :eek:
Thanks, guys! If Icemageddon 2018 lets up today I'll go grab some. Also, if you don't hear from me in the next few days the white blanket of death got us and it's been wonderful chatting with everyone :D :eek:
How about a nice piece of 3m vinyl?
Anybody using this painting method on a -10 vs layers of fiberglass? I haven't had much time around -10, Columbia, Cirrus types to see their window completion setups. I know the gap would still exist around the window/cabin top, but some are filling with a bead of Proseal?
Anybody using this painting method on a -10 vs layers of fiberglass? I haven't had much time around -10, Columbia, Cirrus types to see their window completion setups. I know the gap would still exist around the window/cabin top, but some are filling with a bead of Proseal?

I think the original poster was referring to the interior finish. I planned on just painting the glue transition inside with the same interior paint that I am using (jet flex). Use fineline tape maybe 1/8" inside of window glue fillet and paint perimeter. Should blend in nicely. I'm also using the aerosport headliner system. This is for a -10 but same idea.
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I tried to find some sticky vinyl material that is similar to the "fading dots" matrix that is used on car window borders -- no luck. If anyone out there has found such material, let me know.
Done! Was pretty easy to do, turned out great. Thanks for the advice! Hoping to get it installed tomorrow after the paint cures up.
Painting aft of rear window :

There is no need to cover up pro seal if masked off correctly. I would not paint to cover up. Although it can be easily done if you elect to do so.

1. When holes are drilled in plexiglass, cleco in place rear and temporarily screw all or most front roll bar screws in place. (Not tightly but just until screw stops)
2. Go to top rear of window and apply quality plastic electrical tape to keep pro seal away from finish exposed plexiglass. You can add an additional row of masking tape after the electrical tape if you like.
3. Remove plexiglass and apply pro seal only to rear and side under and side about 3/4 ? on aluminum aft and sides.
4. Install a very small bead of clear silicone aft or over screw holes all along roll bar. This can be done after rear is clecoed with one in center rear. Then squirt in along under front roll-bar. (You will note center forward and both lower sides will need to be silicones to fill large water and air leaks as a last step)
5. Install all screws and nuts aft and screws over roll bar. Just as the aft electrical tape protected the plexiglass from pro seal, you can install electrical tape under plexiglass just aft the roll bar and forward the roll bar then just peel it off after silicone extrudes out if at all.
6. Clean excess off aft aluminum before removing electrical tape around flush screw heads.
7. Carefully remove tape.
Note: I have seen one example where the builder wanted a 1/16? of proseal showing on plexiglass. I did not and terminated flush with aft aluminum. Have fun! This will require two rested and positive people to install. But you will make it!
If you test acitone on a scrap of plexiglass, you will it will clean off proseal pwithout clouding or melting the plexiglass.
Rear window

Has anyone else done as Bernard suggested with the silicone to stop leaks coming through roll bar area?
No,just about to install rear window for good but I can see the roll bar area might be an area for leaks. How have you got on with flying plane?
So far so good .. down right now, gotta get the canopy front skin repaired and repainted in a small area and rework the sealant (there's a thread around here about it somewhere).

Nothing that I would consider major issues. Fun to fly, easy to land, really great airplane ... you're going to love it! :D
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Fuel Tank Sealant Alternative?

I am ready to final install my rear window. Has anyone tried foam weather-stripping for the seal instead of fuel tank sealant?

I wouldn't think it's a great idea. Over time it will break down. Harder to get a really good seal I would guess, plus the thickness of the material would likely cause a small gap at the edge unless you adjust thickness of the plexi where the seal would be.

I didn't find the proseal method to be all that difficult - just messy like all things proseal. Plenty of tape to protect the plexi and metal, no problem.

I did paint the inside of the window where the proseal would be so that it would not be visible inside the airplane:

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I didn’t paint mine and I know another guy didn’t paint his. Now that it’s done I never even notice and when I do I think it looks interesting. When I applied the proseal it was handy to be able to see where it wasn’t good enough and I made some post application additions and adjustments that I wouldn’t have seen with paint on it. So for me seeing the proseal is a feature and not a flaw.