Does anyone know of a good source for SMALL rear-view mirrors for an RV-4? I'm guessing one (or two) could be riveted (velcroed?) to the forward canopy bow, near the top of the instrument panel. THANKS!


Does anyone know of a good source for SMALL rear-view mirrors for an RV-4? I'm guessing one (or two) could be riveted (velcroed?) to the forward canopy bow, near the top of the instrument panel. THANKS!


It would be nice if curved mirrors that conform the contour of the roll bar similar to the type fitted on F/A-18 Hornets were available for RV's but I settled for a small round example, vecroed to the rollbar and positioned so I can see the expression on the face of the back seater. If you prefer, you can permanently mount the mirror by popping the reflector out of its case and blind rivet it to the roll bar, then snap the reflector back into place. The mirror cost $1 at Walmart.

Small mirrors

Wentworth and other airplane junkyards have old mirrors from Cessna 150's with the rear window that have a stud on the backside for mounting and are shaped right for a canopy bow and have slight convex optics. Expect to pay $10 each.

Motor boat supply houses a have all sorts of small mirrors also.
A search for rear view mirrors will give you many fine examples on many threads where this has been discussed and folks and put up lots of pictures for you. Give that a try. Just click the search function and type in the little box rear view mirrors and wallah, your looking at lots of threads for the topic.
THANKS! I found the thread, and I found one of your messages...but the pictures weren't there. I'd love to see some shots of your mirrors? Thanks again for the help!