
Active Member
I need some ideas on what to do to cover the rear stick well. I plan on the cold air vent and a cigarette lighter for aux pwr and would like to build in a cup holder. If you have some pics I would like to see. I made the same post under RV-8 a few days ago and didn't get a big response. I saw some good ideas at Oskosh last year but don't remember them. I'm also having a hard time finding a plastic console or cup holder that can be modified to work in this application. I hope to get to work on this tonight.
Mine looks just like the pictures on the link in the other thread - I copied that same idea, works great!
Rear Console

Thanks, thats the same as my friends. Thats probably what I'll do. I saw some elaberate ones at Oshkosh and was thinking about getting fancy but I'm to a point where I want to get done and go fly. You've replied to a lot of my posts along the way and I appreciate the assistance. I'm going flying with the Strattman brothers this weekend to get remotivated.