
Hi Guys,

For you guys that have been there, is there any reason I can't leave this loose until I fit the wings, drill the rs attach holes centre then drill and fix it in to the fuse.

thanks Peter Pendergast

PS wish I was going to Osh to meet under that tree
rear spar carry through

In my humble opinion it would be very difficult to rivet it in place at that time.
Not recommended

Hi Peter,
The rear-spar carry-though engages notches in the seat ribs, bulkhead
flange notches, rivets connecting to the baggage floor ribs, and the
seat-belt anchors. It would be quite a challenge to install it after the fuselage is skinned.

FWIW, I built my wings and fuselage (-3B) from kit components
and the plans. I made thin plywood patterns that recorded the
exact position of the wing rear spar attach fork relative to the main
spar for each wing. While jigging the fuselage, these patterns
were used to position the rear spar carry-through (and seat-back
bulkhead) relative to the F-303 main spar bulkhead assembly. When
the wings were installed (much later), the rear spar carry-through
engaged the wing rear spar forks perfectly. There was plenty of edge distance for the rear-spar attach bolts.

If you think ahead, and jig carefully, there is no need for the
over-sized carry-through bar that some have recommended;
and no need to delay attaching the carry-through to the
seat-back bulkhead.

- Dan Benua
EAA Tech Counselor
Repeat Offender
Rear spar carrythrough

Thanks for your reply's, I admit I was concerned about edge distance more than main to rear spar, I built the wings and the fuse distance between spars couldn't be better.
I built the flaps longer as per your tip, thanks Dan and thanks to everyone who posts info and photos, it's all a great help.

Regards Peter