
Well Known Member
Andy Johnson has been swamped with requests to see photos from his RV8 rear seat solo modification. Andy is a bit Internet challanged. I offered to post his photos up on this site, as several members expressed interest in the idea.
Stephen, Chuck and others commented on this in the FOR SALE thread that Andy started here:

The moderators may wish to consider moving pertinent sections of that thread over here, if they feel it is warranted. Andy sent the comments below with this batch of photos.

Here are the pics of the interior showing some of the changes we made. You need to be clear that this layout is for a very long legged pilot. I think the pedals could be moved to behind the spar carry-through for a shorter guy. Might be a problem with getting the legs around the rear seat if too short, however. It would require mock-up to be sure.







Ed note. Links were broke. Did my best to correct em.
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Thanks for the Google cache (I had no idea you could do that) and extra pictures! 6'6" myself. Wish I'd seen this when the ad was up.
No problem, sorry I couldn't find more - I read the thread when it was up so was able to remember some terms to search in google. Unfortunately as best I can tell google didn't happen to cache the other two pages. The origional thread may still be accessible by a site admin depending on how the software for this forum is setup.
Sorry guys
Due to his financial circumstances, Andy sold his "rear seat solo" RV8 project to another builder. The new owner is of average size, and had no interest in the rear seat solo mod. Andy had designed his mod [he is a retired engineer] so that it could easily be reversed, which the new owner has done. Therefore, there won't be any "updates" on this mod.