
Well Known Member
I'm getting closer and closer to the decision of which seats to go with. I'm pretty much decided on DJ at Cleveland. She recommends building a riser for the rear seat, I think mostly to properly position the passenger's legs for comfort. My question is how many people have done this vs. those that haven't and is it worth while? I haven't heard much talk of this, so I wonder if other seat vendors solve this problem with more foam or if it is no big deal the way that it is.

I'm intriged by the challenge of building something from scratch as opposed to sheet metal parts being precut, prebent and prepunched (but not match holed you lucky future -8/8A fuse builders), and I see this as one opportunity to do so.
Seat Riser

Hi Erik,

If you plan on taking any passengers in your plane, this would be an ideal thing to make. I have an RV-4, and i assume that you do too and it makes the world of difference. I flew to florida in the backseat of an RV-4 which didn't have the seat riser and my back hurt for days. I also recommend some how installing arm rests on the side of the inside fuselage for the passenger. They will be much happier and comfortable, too.

Feel free to stop out at KBUU and see my plane and the riser. Good luck!
great ideas

Chuck (8ball) Miller built a -4 then a -8A. He had lots of great and original ideas in his -8A. In a weak moment he sold it to a guy from Ausy land and Jon Johanson flew from CA to Australia (put a big tank in the rear seat and the another in the forward baggage comartment). The airplane was featured in a Van's calander. The picture was taken on Christmas Island if I remember correctly. Anyway, below is a picture of a seat riser (storage box) Chuck built for his -8A. Clever fellow, it had his Oxy bottle and extra oil stored there. His wife wasn't very tall and she loved (misses the airplane too) sitting up high.

No riser.....yet

I had DJ do my interior, and I have the plans for the riser, but have not built it. I have probably had a dozen different people ride in the back so far - from Little kids to a 6'6", 250 firefighter, and I have asked everyone how comfortable they were. Everyone so far has said it is great - although the bigger ones have said that the arm rests are to low for them to use comfortably (i am afraid a riser would make this worse). I know that I have enough scrap around to build one, and one of these days, i will, but so far, it has not seemed to be a hardship to not have it.

Oxygen Bottle Storage idea

Great idea for the storage of the oxy bottle, I just don't know about keeping the oil bottle in the same compartment. Even with the oxygen cylinder outlet placed on the outside, the potential for fire with oil and oxygen contamination is huge.
I am all for Oxy and we are looking at putting it in down the track, however we all need to be mindful of the risks.

I have seen one of our work aircraft destroyed by an oxygen contamination fire, thankfully it was on the ground at the time and all got out alive.

Newcastle Aust

Fastback conversion underway.
TeamRV8A said:
Great idea for the storage of the oxy bottle, I just don't know about keeping the oil bottle in the same compartment. Even with the oxygen cylinder outlet placed on the outside, the potential for fire with oil and oxygen contamination is huge.
I am all for Oxy and we are looking at putting it in down the track, however we all need to be mindful of the risks.

I have seen one of our work aircraft destroyed by an oxygen contamination fire, thankfully it was on the ground at the time and all got out alive.

Newcastle Aust

Fastback conversion underway.

I have to agree with this. I had the same reaction when I saw the oil bottle next to the O2. Puts a big shiver up my spine.

Paul, I have the riser in my -8. Feel free to come over and try it out. I think it helps by getting the person's feet lower and butt higher... a more natural seating postion than all at the same level, ala RV-4. I would do it the same way if building again.
