I'm looking to put some simple instrumentation in the backseat of my 4. What are the best options that won't cost me an arm and a leg?

I'm looking to put some simple instrumentation in the backseat of my 4. What are the best options that won't cost me an arm and a leg?

Here's what I used, a Garmin GPS Pilot 3 velcro attached when my wife rode on long trips...
Call up the instrument panel page and voila', cheap panel. Nice part is you can use it elsewhere when not needed there!

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Another option, Dynon D-2. Unless you want maps.

Now if you happen to have a SkyView in your front panel, then mount an iPad, or iPad mini with Foreflight in the back, plug a wifi dongle to your SkyView, and you have basic flight instruments and a map in the back seat.

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RV-4 Back seat

I have an IPAD Mini in the front using the Stratus 2 receiver. Another option for the back is an IPhone but hooked up via the Stratus Horizon App. The Stratus can run the AHRS function of both the Foreflight in the front and the Stratus App on the IPhone in the back. Haven't used IHUD but you can get the Stratus Horizon App free and try it out but you do need the Stratus receiver.

Tried it yesterday, seems to work well and keeps up with the aircraft attitude. It's certainly not an aerobatic quality display as far as processing speed goes but for general flying around and cross country it's fine.

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There are two Ihud apps. Ihud and ihud remote. You have to get remote if you are going to connect it to a ahrs wifi.
I put a Garmin 296 in the back. On the instrument page they can hold heading and altitude. Plus it acts as a backup to the 496 in the front. Plus it answers the question "how much longer".