
Well Known Member
Brrrr! It's cold in the NW at 10K'. My GIB is complaining. The heat coming out of my single heat exchanger is barely enough to keep me warm! Sooo, I was wondering if anyone has experimented with ELECTRIC heat? I'm not talking electric seat heat. I have that. I'm talking about hot air from an electric heat source. I've got a lightly loaded 60 amp alternator.
Back seat heat

A number of years ago, I installed an automobile heater (looks like a downsized quartz heater) in an RV-4 I formerly built/flew. You have a little more room in the back of an -8, so it could be made to work. The unit was marketed as "Back seat heat", and I believe you can find one at an auto accessories store. Cost was close to $100. I think it drew about 25 amps.
Electric seats

Consider electrically heated seats, as in some autos. I had my seat upholsterer put one in by rear seat for the wife. Havent hooked it up yet, but I think there are some threads on this topic here and it should be effective.
Eliminating drafts and such also help the rear seater a lot.
Thanks Vince,
- What areas are heated by the jacket?
- What areas are heated by the vest?
- Why is the vest more expensive than the jacket?
- Power draw on each?