
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
When I was up in the Washington area last week, Louise and I stopped by Rob Brook's hangar at Warrenton to take advantage of his kind offer to use his tools to do a little work on Louise's -6 spinner. While I was there, I got a chance to look over his very nice -8, and it didn't take long for me to notice his elegantly simple rear seat Garmin x96 mount. I was so impressed that yesterday I made a duplicate, and asked him if he'd mind if I showed pictures and gave him credit - since he said yes, well here it is!


All the mount consists of is a bent piece of thick aluminum (mine is about 0.080) about four inches wide, and 5 inches long. Bend it so you have a little more than an inch of flange, mount the x96 cradle using four screws and nut plates (or any other method you prefer), and then drill the top angle of the front seat back and mount two nut plates. The mount slides on top of the seat back angle and under the cross-cabin brace tube. When it is removed, there is no visible trace, and when it is installed, it centers the GPS in the passenger's field of view, and takes up virtually no useful space. It's so simple, you don't need any more instructions than that!

More pictures here:

Thanks again for the great idea Rob!


You now have a "virtual panel" in the back for when Louise starts driving up front! :cool:

Now my friends don't ask me to move my big head so they can see the altimeter and my wife gets to follow along on our trips. She was having fun learning how to use the GPS on our last trip. Now, I get to say, "Honey, please look up that ATIS freq for me!"

Nice write up and photos Paul - thanks for sharing the idea with our VAF friends.
