
Well Known Member
I've seen examples of builders riveting the rear HS Spar doubler to the rear spar with the manufactured heads (the round part) on both the front and back sides of the double/spar. Which side is best for the manufactured heads to end up on, please? A pic would help. Thanks. -Mike D
Best practice is to put factory head (the round end) on the side with thinnest material. Unless specifically Calder out by the designer/factory. You can put the factory head we’re ever convenient. Check your prints if there is a cal out it’s nexct to or under the rivet size.

Hope this helps
Best practice is to put factory head (the round end) on the side with thinnest material. Unless specifically Calder out by the designer/factory. You can put the factory head we’re ever convenient. Check your prints if there is a cal out it’s nexct to or under the rivet size.

Hope this helps

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Helps a lot. I realize now that I probably could have read that in Section 5 or the reference book that came with the kit. I'll remember this rule in future so that I can refrain from asking these kinds of questions that I should already know the answer for.