Stan Bahrns

Active Member
Has anyone spilled fuel on the back glass & had the rear glass Kraze? wondering what the inspector will allow. These appeared over night all along where I splashed a little fuel while adding 2 gal at a time to calibrate the fuel guage. I wiped the fuel off right away but probably didn't git it dry right away between the skin & the glass. Has anyone had the same experience? Wondering if I should get a new glass or not.
There is MUCH info on this topic already posted and researched. Search the forum for "Lexan" and check them out.
Like Bill said it seems to be a common problem. I've been flying with light crazing for about two years. It's been stable. I monitor it, but I don't plan on replacing until I see an actual crack.
rear window crazing

I had the same problem two years ago, fueling mogas on a windy day; spurt and instant craze. Purchased replacement window but have not replaced it yet. Cracks have not increased or propagated after 150 flight hours.
I now use a rubberized sheet with a fuel filler cutout and cover the entire right half of the backlight.
Anyone with crazing, did you install the window with fuel tank sealant along the entire contact area with the skin?
Window crazing


Were you adding avgas or auto fuel to the plane when the crazing occurred?


How about wax

My plane came home from the paint shop with crazing
I'm guessing it got wiped with a contaminated rag.
At any rate, I wonder if waxing the rear window would help
Any type of coating that can keep gas off of the lexan has got to help some.
I think I'll try it!
Read up on this subject via SEARCH -- lot's of info there. Apparently, it's not the surface of the Lexan that is the problem (it has a special anti-fuel coating I gather). Rather, it is the areas where the Lexan has been cut and exposed (e.g., drilled holes, cut edges, etc.) that need additional protection from fuel. That is the reason for Van's now sealing the holes /edges with ProSeal.