Rick RV-4

Well Known Member
Have an RV-4 with a conical mount O-360. Plans say the concave curve area of part 6 "fits within the groove on the engine shock mount housing and the top of the part fits along the forward face of the crankcase". Fair enough. But then it also shows an AN-15A bolt that goes through the lower part of this piece (into the crankcase?).

Problem is, when I fit part 6 onto the back of the engine, the pre-drilled hole is about a good inch or so from where the nearest hole is in the crankcase. In addition, there's about a 1/4 inch gap (left to right) between part 5 and part 6 when each piece is sitting where I think it should be.

Funny thing is, the "part 6" I got from Van's originally had "4 O-320 6" on the little white sticker that identifies the part. It was covered over by another sticker which says "4 O-360 6" on it.

Does anyone know if this part is the same size for either engine? If they're diffferent, that may be the problem. Otherwise I'm back to square one . . .

