
Active Member
Browsing through some classified ads this AM, I couldn't help but wonder what the realistic all-in build cost was for a -12. I am seeing some exceptional well built -12s that are listed in the 60-80k range.
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I figure the biggest variables are tools and how far you go in on avionics - single or dual screens, autopilot servos, a/p knob module, etc.
But it's pretty easy to round off the build cost of an RV12 to at least $100K.
I have and that's without paint or counting the workshop I built to build it in.
And if your time is money ... well, never mind costing that out because it's fun & fulfilling.
I picked up a 2012 with 168 hours, painted in good DuPont aviation grade Imron, everything you could imagine on it, Skyview Classic, SL-40, Flight Com 403, interior, except AOA, in May, here, in the low $50's.

It's only worth what you're willing to pay for it, and the seller is willing to let it go for.

I spent about 18 months looking, the stuff pre 2012 with Dynon D-180 EFIS was actually selling low to high 40's. Skyview Classics in the 50's and Skyview Touch, with GTR-200, high 50's to 60k, usually 2015 to 2017 builds.

Those are prices for the Legacy model. The RV-12 IS is whatever the market will bear, it's got a much nicer interior package.

Generally speaking low hour planes, probably under 150 hours or less in Legacy models, have had inspections done, and none of the Service Bulletin updates performed. The parts aren't expensive, but it's a LOT of work to get all the updates installed, after it's built, vs, when in the construction phase.

Good luck with your search. If money is no object, pick the one you like. If money is a little tight, patience is a virtue.

Go to the order sheet on Van's to build a RV-12, option it up, and see what the total runs. Then add in all the tools and other extra's along the way that you'll need to build it. Don't forget shipping and sales tax in your state. My rough estimator says somewhere between $80 and 90k, depending on how stripped or loaded with options you want to go. Do you want to build or do you want to fly? Probably a better value to buy someone else's used RV-12, if you'd rather fly. Building is a good excuse to stay in the Man Cave and avoid the wife and kids, if that's what you seek, but you'll be buying that peace and quiet and solitude time, if you go that route.
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I think my kit costs in a 2010-2012 build were about 68K. It was my fourth home built project so I already had the shop set up. Had I been required to buy all the tools I used it would have added another 5K or so. Paint job was another 10K.
Of course, it depends on the options. Most used -12s are selling for less than or right at parts cost. The iS model put a dent in the used, older models no doubt. Do you want what you want (build) or can you settle for what's available?

You'll likely pay more to build one than you can buy one.