it's been on the option list for a couple of months. I guess they just never offically announced it.
-12 quick build fuel tank

Did you notice the "quick build" tank is $750? There is a small rebate for your parts of course.
Vans announced a ready to fly fuel tank as an option toady on Facebook. I wonder if this is a sign that a quickbuild option is in the works.!/notes/

I know it hasn't been announced but didn't they preview a quickbuikd option at Oshkosh this year to see what the reactions would be twords it? So my thought is that it is in the works and they are either perfecting it or the reaction is not what they wanted and they canned it. I'd bet on the first..

They've done that for years with the 7 & 9... may still have some in stock.

I'm pretty sure they do! When I was down there a few weeks ago there were probably 10 to 20 fully built tanks standing in a corner with the sign rv-7 tanks on them.
