
Well Known Member
I've been putting off installing the wings for the first time as long as possible, but it seems that now I have to do it in order to drill the flaperon torque tubes. It seems that the whole wing thing would be easier if the plane was securely standing on its landing gear.

So, now that the control rods and the wiring are all done, is there any reason why I shouldn't just go ahead and get it on the gear now?
I hope not Dave, I am about at the same spot as you. My plan is to put the gear on next (no tailcone on yet) and then roll it outside to do the wing thing. I am fighting space, fully intend to mount the engine before the tailcone.
I not only had mine on the gear before installing wings , but had the entire fuse and firewall fwd installed as well. I don't think it wise to try wings w/o tailcone installed for the stability which helps the wing fitup. May not be necessary, but tailcone sets the fuselage shape at the joint to a degree and I felt it should be on before the wing install attempt. Lastly the first wing fit is not necessarily a drop in fit so fuse may shift around a bit. This fuse complete method worked fine for me.
Dick Seiders 120093
Wings without gear

We put the wings on 120241 before the landing gear was installed, but after the tail cone was in place,. The fuselage was supported at the recommended spots on padded saw horses We were working in a big hangar (two other airplanes in the same one) so had enough room. You need the wingspan PLUS 4 feet to fit the wings, or PLUS 8 feet if you're going to do both wings without moving the fuselage.
I agree-- I WOULD NOT do the wing fit with out the tail cone (that's a dumb name for a 9-foot piece of fuselage) already attached to the center section.

Wayne N143WM
I did not have mine on it's gear yet when I attached the wings and drilled the flaperon tubes. It was still sitting on the table. I don't think it would have made a big difference. You can see pics here through that step - I have not updated the pics lately but have mounted the gear, the engine, completed the cowling, and have begun work on the cooling duct. The following link is all one long string. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.151245628228677.26907.100000297210697&l=a2b29e894a
landing gear

I'm at the same spot, would like to install the gear so I can move it around. I pick up my motor at the end of July in Oshkosh and would like to install without having to make room for the wing installation. Plus, who wants to have a motor seating in a crate when it could be on the fuselage. I've read it's easy to level by inflating or deflating the wheels, assuming it's a nose dragger.