Well Known Member
VNE Never Exceed Speed 209 mph Do not exceed this speed
in any operations.
VNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed
180 mph Exceed this speed only in smooth air.
VA Maneuvering Speed 132 mph Do not make full control
movements above this speed. Full elevator
deflection will result in a 6g load at this speed.
VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed
100 mph Do not exceed this speed with flaps down
Vy Best Rate of Climb 86 mph, Vx Best Angle of Climb 74 mph, Vs Stall Speed Clean 54 mph
NOTE: The column headings read in large Bold Type: KIAS (Knots Indicated Airspeed) The speeds listed are in small print mph (miles per hour) A quick glance may confuse someone new to that aircraft. I suggest the "K" be removed from column heading and the speeds listed be matching to the actual instruments (or glass) mounted in the specific aircrafts panel.
Yes certainly put the speeds in units consistent with your airplane. Just make sure you do the conversion right! :p
Good reminder.

It should go without saying that any POH, Weight & Balance data, aircraft/engine/prop operating limitations, etc., taken from the Web, including VAF, needs to be carefully validated by the user for accuracy.

One thing I found recently is after doing a weight and balance it seems a lot of people just use the arms that Van's has in the manual instead of measuring them on their own. I found my mains were different by about 1/2" and my nose gear by just more than an inch.
VNE Never Exceed Speed 209 mph Do not exceed this speed
in any operations.
NOTE: The column headings read in large Bold Type: KIAS (Knots Indicated Airspeed) The speeds listed are in small print mph (miles per hour) A quick glance may confuse someone new to that aircraft. I suggest the "K" be removed from column heading and the speeds listed be matching to the actual instruments (or glass) mounted in the specific aircrafts panel.

And as discussed in other threads... VNE is TAS not IAS.