
Well Known Member
It seems in the past ( I know, I need to move on up ) that when you visited a section of the forum, the NEW would go away until you next visit and if there were new posts in that section. It seems now that the NEW notice stays.........maybe I am missing something. Thanks for dragging us into the modern age.
I don't see the New Posts button in the "upper right area". I see the New Posts in the What's New drop-down menu. But that doesn't appear to show me only the new posts that were "new" since I last logged in - the new posts go back a lot farther now when accessed via the drop-down menu (10 pages of them every time?). It was nice to see the New Posts in the old software, and the count of how many there were on a single page (or however many pages it took, depending on how long it had been since I last logged in). That was always the first button I hit when I logged in. Is that still possible? Or possibly 'coming soon'?

Oh, this is going to take some getting used to!
Agree with Greg E. When logging in, I always headed straight to the new posts page, as that's where the action is. Eventually I'll figure out the navigation sequence to accomplish what used to be second-nature, or someone will spoon-feed it to me.

Unabashed luddites of the web, unite!
Try clicking on the WHAT'S NEW button without waiting for the dropdown menu. It seems if you do that it acts like the previous version with some posts highlighted.
New "buttons" are appearing and the forum is evolving pretty quickly. I'm sure our patience and Doug's ingenuity will make this new iteration a joy to navigate. Now if I could quit accidentally clicking on that Garmin ad at the top and having it open...........then again I could also hope Doug get paid for each click. ;)
That's funny, I keep clicking on the Garmin ad, too! I'm sure Garmin will love that, front and center (I know, they always were front and center, sorta).

I'm not keen (yet) on the new format. But I know I'll get used to it, and I'm confident that when I do, I'll admit it's way better and cooler than the old. I'm merely missing some of the features I used a lot and could 'cut to the chase' during a daily visit and see what I wanted to see. I think I've figured out how to quickly find the posts that are new since my last log-in, so there's that.

What I find a little surprising on here is the number of people complaining that they hate the new format. Yeah, it's tough to move around in it and will take a while to get used to it, but it'll get better the more you use it.. And I like the overall 'modern' look. I'm sure there are a few people that put in a LOT of time to migrate the old forum details to this new one, and it was only down for a short period of time while they finished it up. Yes, I'm sure there a lot of things to tidy up and improve. But let's not trash them after their hard work to bring us into the current century that will still allow us to get the info we all need and want to help sustain our homebuilding and aviation hobby.

None of us (especially pilots) like things jammed down our throat. But there comes a time to bite the bullet and just get it done. And I thank those who worked behind the scenes to make it happen in a relatively seamless fashion. Think ADS-B here - It was a steep learning curve, especially for those of us that self-installed, And I'm still learning about it. But so far, I like it and recognize the improved level of safety it offers. So it is/was worth the effort to figure it out. This new forum format will be the same soon as long we keep plugging away and figuring it out. It's a process, not a pass/fail scenario. Just like building a plane - it, too is a process. And when something doesn't work exactly like we want it to, it's not a failure, but a step in the process to help figure out what WILL work like we want or need.

Rant over. Let's be nice and help with constructive criticism. Because this format isn't going away! Let's help make it better to the extent we can.
Is there a Tutorial somewhere that I can watch or read? I'm a slow learner.......... o_O
Here's the "what's new" button - just click it.


PS: I love being able to just paste an image directly into the forum! Nice!
Any chance unread post headings could be a different color? I find that the bolding doesn't stand out as well as it did in the previous forums.
Regarding the note: "Threads below have not been updated since your last visit."

The algorithm seems to have a minimum time frame for when/where it puts that note. For example, if I click "New Posts" at 8:00am, that message might show up in the thread list after the previous evening's 9:00pm threads, assuming that was the last time I clicked "New Posts". However, if I then click "New Posts" again at noon, the note will still show after last night's 9:00 threads, instead of after this morning's 8:00am threads.

Just curious if others have noticed this also.
Regarding the note: "Threads below have not been updated since your last visit."

The algorithm seems to have a minimum time frame for when/where it puts that note. For example, if I click "New Posts" at 8:00am, that message might show up in the thread list after the previous evening's 9:00pm threads, assuming that was the last time I clicked "New Posts". However, if I then click "New Posts" again at noon, the note will still show after last night's 9:00 threads, instead of after this morning's 8:00am threads.

Just curious if others have noticed this also.
Yes, Alex. I have noticed the sometimes takes three clicks to clear the posts.