
Well Known Member

I have been trying to access http://www.stewartsystems.aero/ with no joy. I contacted their home office and said that they had no problem at their end......Would one of you net guru's check the site and see if it just me or what!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????:confused:

This web address is the new one for http://www.aircraftfinishingsystems.com/

Thanks in advance for any help

Frank @ SGU and 1L8.....RV7A....last 999 details
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The page loaded fine for me. Maybe it was just a temporary problem.

Sam, thanks for the reply.....my problem has been over the last four or five days.......Tried my computer/wife's computer with no joy......maybe living here in Utah they have banned environmentally friendly web sites:rolleyes:

Frank....RV7A....@ SGU and 1L8.......last 999 details