
Well Known Member
RE:Very Important RV message

Hi to all and Merry Christmas:D

If you happen to be reading this message 12/25/2007 AM time you are officially considered addicted to VAF........no hope for you. But if you are reading this 12/25/2007 PM you are addicted but there is some hope for recovery...NOT.....if you are reading this 12/26/2007 it is my wifes birthday and I am trying to get a gift for her.....what do you buy the day after the big one that will show my true love and not cost me the plane!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Yes I am addicted...oh someone is getting up so I will close until later today.....maybe..............

Frank @ SGU RV7A....ndy.....bgc..............;)
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OK, you got me.... Preached in three Christmas services last night so no time to build. Family will be here within the hour....it was either a few more nutplates or this...
It's worse than you think - Louise and I are BOTH sitting at the dining room table at our laptops, perusing the things we've missed on the forums recently because we've been at the airport every day, trying to get the -6 back together!

Of course, with no kids running around, Christmas unwrapping doesn't take quite as long....

I'm an addict

I was here at 4:50am, now back at 8:30am. But I'm not an addict, and I don't have a problem. I can quit anytime I want!
Another addict

Ok, it's Christmas morning and I'm 800 miles from home lurking in the forums on an iPhone. It's really not an addiction. Honestly!

Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

Just sitting at work reading the VAF forums.
Guilty also!

Up wrapping presents and doing the Santa thing (this is serious business you know!) and finally off to bed at 02:00. Kids up at 05:19 followed by my wife and I shortly thereafter. Coffee being made while struggling to see through my groggy eyes and a video camera to film the early morning festivities...

The house is quiet now (except for Guitar Hero upstairs) and here I sit getting one of my daily doses of VAF. Now if I can just stay awa...k..e ....ZZZZzzzzzzz....zzz...

Guilty as charged.;)
Guilty, but I think my wife has it almost as bad as I do. The Classic Aero leather interior is under the tree. Gotta love a wife that wants the interior for our plane for Christmas. Last year it was the five point seat belts. Next year we will be flying so it will probably be a UFO (Ultimate Fly Out in Ohio Valley RVAtors lingo). Any day where I don't go to the hangar to work on the plane I get the question "why aren't you working on our plane".

Merry Christmas

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, out of big pieces so I guess it is time to finish this thing up.
I'm probably the newest addict...I can't seem to stay away! I walk away from my laptop and a force greater than myself keeps pulling me back. Honey, I'll be there in a minute...hold on...doing something very important...okay, now the kids can open their gifts. Merry Christmas all! :eek:
12:04 pm. I'm not quite as addicted as some of you. :)

Watched a gaggle of grand kids open gifts, had breakfast by 11 and now visiting VAF on a foreign computer, almost forgot how to sign in but managed after 4 tries.

Trying not to forget the true meaninign of this day, we have much to be thankful for even though it is not Thanksgiving. If I were at home I'd go flying a bit to celebrate the day.
I'm no quitter!!!

My mother didn't raise a quitter!

Besides, after 4 straight hours of cutting open boxes, looking for all those hidden twisty ties and rubber bands (man I hate the way they package toys), I deserve a little airplane time. Good thing we got a couple 20 packs of batteries.

Apparently, they make dolls that pee. This thing shot across the room and hit a couple innocent bystanders. Luckily I wasn't one of them...it was awfully funny though.

Merry Christmas!! Oh and those Havoc Helis are a blast!
Steve, can I get your wife to talk to mine???

Any day where I don't go to the hangar to work on the plane I get the question "why aren't you working on our plane".
Merry Christmas

I'm at least eight time zones or more ahead of most of you. I'm about 17 days and a wake-up away from finishing a one-year deployment in the sandbox. This was the first thing I hit when I got back to the hooch this evening...after calling the wife and boys and telling them how much I wished I was there with them. Soon...
Looking forward to the day I can write on the actual BUILDING forums vice only reading about everyone else's project. Thanks to all for keeping the dream alive while I've been over here. Seeing first flights, incredible panels, interiors and paint jobs, and reading some wonderfully written threads by Ironflight, I'm stoked to get home and start working to get the dream to come together.
Merry Christmas to all!

Gary Parker
Frank 2

Merry Christmas my friend!

Thankyou for your hospitality when we flew down to St George back at Spring Break (24 hours after I got my instrument ticket).

Frank 1 and Marci...
RE:Great Time


It was a real fun time having you two here and getting to know you both. Have a great day and fun/happy safe New Year

Frank2 @ SGU RV7A............
RE:Thanks for your year long Xmas Present


Thanks for your Year Long Christmas Present to me and my family.....Stay Safe and We all look forward to your future build comments!!!!!!!

Frank @ SGU RV7A

I'm at least eight time zones or more ahead of most of you. I'm about 17 days and a wake-up away from finishing a one-year deployment in the sandbox. This was the first thing I hit when I got back to the hooch this evening...after calling the wife and boys and telling them how much I wished I was there with them. Soon...
Looking forward to the day I can write on the actual BUILDING forums vice only reading about everyone else's project. Thanks to all for keeping the dream alive while I've been over here. Seeing first flights, incredible panels, interiors and paint jobs, and reading some wonderfully written threads by Ironflight, I'm stoked to get home and start working to get the dream to come together.
Merry Christmas to all!

Gary Parker

Thanks to you and your family for all you do. We look forward to welcoming you back state-side. Stay safe!
god speed gary

thanks to you and your family for your contribution. i remember being a kid whose daddy was in another country during a war...i wish you safety and a quick return to your family. i know they miss you.:(

and for me .....ive been in and out all day.:D
Guilty as charged!

The weather stunk this weekend so Nora and I had to drive the five hours from CLT to 3M3 last Friday and today I drove back without her. She is staying with her parents until Friday, when they will return her to me. This leaves me free time to either surf VAF or fill pin holes on my cowling.

The pin holes can wait until tomorrow night.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Thank you

I'm at least eight time zones or more ahead of most of you. I'm about 17 days and a wake-up away from finishing a one-year deployment in the sandbox. ................ I'm stoked to get home and start working to get the dream to come together.
Merry Christmas to all!

Gary Parker

Gary, kindly tell all your mates over there that we thank you guys for your hard work. God bless and come home quickly,

Not addicted too

Im not addicted to this site and I can prove it. I tried to log in early Christmas morning and found that my DSL connection was dead. It was dead all day long and I could not make connections. It just came back on this morning (Wed) so I wasnt on line at all on Christmas. I was cool and calm all day except that I broke out in hives in the late afternoon which had nothing to do with not being able to log on to the Air Force. I am not addicted and I can quit any time that I am forced off line by my DSL. :p
Okay you caught me....was reading on Dec. 25th posts....but I DIDN'T log on.......:) Gift idea.....HHHmmmmmmmmm??? What better than a renewal subscription for "RVator" !!! Cheers to all
No proof

(Standing behind podium)

"Hi, my name is Pat and I'm an addict to VAF."

OK, so I like to read.....is there a problem with that? My wife says I just like to look at the pictures! :D Thankfully, Doug does not use staples that stratigically get placed in the wrong location and obscures the photo.:eek:

I only looked at VAF twice yesterday and posted once. I am going on my VAF diet after the New Year.

Thanks, Doug for a site that has helped me figure quite a few things out during the build.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
RV-9A N942WG flying
RV-9A N942PT wiring and paint prep stage

To all my addicted VAF I say good bye until next Christmas. Or is that until now! Someone is coming..............Oh it is the Wife wanting her day long Birthday gift. Me cleaning up after the big day yesterday/preparing her birthday party with family/going to a movie/rewarping one of her Christmas presents for her birthday....:eek:....do ya think she will notice...... Whats that Honey......no I will be on the computer for just a few minuets ....... I am just checking a few emails......Yes I will get off straight away.................:rolleyes:No I don't expect I will work on the plane today.....yes I am getting the food ready for tonights party (as my wife walks away)...................................maybe just a few more minutes to check out the rest of the posts..........then whiule I am my cooking later maybe I can sneak a peek at whats happening at VAF.............ME ADDICTED.......PROBABLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do love my wife dearly and credit her my chance to be part of this wonderful, life changing, learning project........building a Vans aircraft and associating with all you great folks. Hope to see you soon ...IN THE AIR.................

Frank @ SGU RV7A .....ndy....bgc........
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What engine, prop, etc?

What engine, prop, ingnition, carb/fuel injection are you using to achieve your excellent speed?
VAF Addication

I wonder if Paul and Louise e-mail each other sitting at the dining room table,via Vansairforce...... now thats an addication.

RV8 Flying
RV3B On order
Flying a RV8 and..!!

Flying a RV8 AND ordering a RV3,!!! that's addicted!!!

I AT LEAST,?!?!? .......... I built a different kind of airplane, Shooter is fun and has been to IDAHO four [4 ] times..... 31" Alaskan Bush Wheels, 180 hp ,,,extended 3" landing gear, 44x82" prop, extended baggage, metal belly, X brace, extra gas, 52 gal, baby bush tail wheel, left side door for float ops, what can I add next??? belly pod??? more fuel? floats??,,,, naaaaaa,,,, just more cool flying trips

you guys need help!
another thread...............

Chris RV8...............
Paul RV8.................
Doug RV6.........
Ordering a RV3 ??? Consider having 2 airplanes, fast AND slow.............

You guys neeed...!!.,,, to come out and fly with.,.,., and get to know the people on www.supercub.org ,,,we are doing some fun flying.
I consider the super cub an extra/second airplane.
NOT!!, second best and not my first choice. I want a fast cross country airplane FIRST!!. RV 4,6,7,8, C 180, Bonanza, Lance, Cheorkee SIX. but not two airplanes that do the same mission.
Van said you want a RV3 QB?,, " Order 500" !!!.,,,,to much trouble to build in the standerd form. yea I could do it,, but why?

Pau,l if you want to try Shooter again let me know.
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Pau,l if you want to try Shooter again let me know.
Oh you know me Jay - I'll fly anything, anytime! Always love cubs, and Shooter is great!

The RV-3 is going to be Louise's (if we decide to do it) ....and she hasn't had the fun of building yet, so it's her project - I just get to follow along and maybe instruct a little.



Save yourself, ,,,!! start on a RV 7 QB for your first build.
Or,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if,,,,,,,,,,,??? you are keeping Mikkkkie think of the mission....two planes that do the same thing?.... build a Bear Hawk or a Super Cub, type airplane ,for those camping missions.
I am NOT against RV3 builds, I AM, pro, EASY and GETTING it in the air fast!!! Carol and I are thinking about building a Bearhawk