
Well Known Member
I'm now in the process of swapping out my AmeriKing 450 for a new ACK E04 ELT. The long telephone cable that runs from the ELT to the Remote panel appears to be an identical wire from both manufactures.

I'm going to test the existing cable with the new ACK ELT and if it functions properly, is there any reason why I can't use the existing wire that is installed in the plane?

My RV4 appears to have been built around the cable and to change out the cable is a major PIA. The Antenna I will change as that is not an option.


If the remote/ELT works properly with the existing cable there is no need to change it!
I think you will have to cut one end, flip the cable, and squeeze another RJ on it. Try it stock first in case I'm wrong.
From the Spruce catalog, FAQ on E-04

I have an Ameriking ELT installed, Can I use the existing remote control indicator?
Yes, you can use the same remote control panel indicator as the AmeriKing products use.