
Well Known Member
Hi all-
I was hoping someone could help me with this (particularly Mel). One of the partners on my 12 has strong feelings that we should paint or powder coat the pedals in a different color, because they look bad as the beige they are now.

I am worried that this would get us in trouble with the inspection if we were to do this, since it is a pretty blatantly obvious change. Is this something that could get us in trouble with a DAR? What are the penalties of failing an inspection over something like this?

Painting is allowed

The E-LSA rules and Van's allow you to paint your RV-12 any way that you want as long as it does not affect the weight and balance in a way that makes the airplane unsafe to fly. For instance, a very heavy coat of paint on the tail could affect the balance of the stabilator or make the aircraft tail heavy. Painting the interior is optional and should not be a problem.