
Well Known Member
RE: Out of Phase 1 Jail....but

As of October 19, 2009 Buzz (N74BZ) is out of Phase 1 Jail....BUT....

The fun with building still continues. I spent this AM working on the baffles (which I THOUGHT were air tight...NOT). Those of you that have the ECi tappered cylinders know the difficulty in closing out the cylinders such that max cooling capcity can be generated. Tomorrow AM will tell the tale as to getting Buzz's number three cylinder to be in line with the other cylinders as to temp. with some added baffle work.

I also moved the oil breather line from a postion port and just out of the cowl to a position between the 4 stack vettermen exhaust. I also cut the bottom on a 45 degree facing aft and two 1/8 inch holes drilled 6 inches above the base of the breather. The last flight with this configuration had zero, none, notta, oil on the belly of the plane....YES.....:D

So the beat goes on. Fly the plane...tweek areas to correct problems ... retest .... Credit Card .... gas up ....and do it again:)

Frank @ 1L8 and SGU ...RV7A... Phase 2 underway!!!!!!!!
Way to go, Frank. good to hear you're tweaking it in nicely.

just ordered my engine, prop and Vetterman 4 pipe, so I might need a pic or two.