
Well Known Member
RE: Latest on IPad Flight Apps

Read all the old threads and was wondering any new info/reviews of the WingX/Foreflight/Garmin Pilot. I am new to the Ipad world and need some real world info about these apps before I make that big jump. Remember I am not looking for a review of the IPad ( glare/heat/..........) but I am the flight apps!!!!!!

Thanks in advance for your help.
I only mention it since you didn't, but for the most frugal option, check out SkyCharts Pro. It is only $20 and will do much of what the others do. I have used it for about a year.
Had a friend give me Ipad & Forefight 101. Then I bought an Ipad and downloaded the free trial version for Foreflight 2 days prior to flying From Townsend MT to Llano TX. I loaded a flight plan into it and decided no charts in the plane. When we launched, I handed it to my non-pilot daughter and said you're navigating. She had it figured out before we were half way across Wyoming. Great tool.

Free Trial version ran out a few weeks ago. so after talking with another friend who likes Garmin pilot, I loaded the Pilot app to test run it for a month. Haven't used it on a trip yet...and don't plan to. When compared to Foreflight, it is much harder to figure out for me.

Thinking about testing WingX...but have a XC and race next week in Washington, so might just pony up the $75 for Foreflight.

Never had a heat issue with my Ipad, but readability is a problem in the plane. Still a great flight planning tool and backup navigation device in flight
I have tried Foreflight and WingX, and like WingX far better, don't know how one could improve on it. I also bought a SkyRadar for it, so now the IPad does weather inflight as well!
Sadly you're going to have try all of them. I tried WingX and hated it, Foreflight works better for me...but it's all subjective and you really just need to try them out for yourself to find out what works best for you.

By the way, the other two "core" apps I have are myE6B and PilotFAR-AIM. I have AOPA Airports on there but rarely use it, and DTC DUAT which I never use.
Still using Sky Charts Pro. Easy to use, better readability than Foreflight. The main gripe I've got with it is that the data display is small and hard to read. Of course that's one of the things that makes the chart area easier to read.

Plus it has TCA charts.

I have tried all three, currently have Foreflight and Garmin on my iPad. I like Foreflight the best at the moment, but Garmin has some really slick stuff in it and when they do a few little improvements it'll be my 1st choice over the others.

Just one man's 2 cents!

RE:Thanks for the update

Hi Brain

It is so great to see/hear of all the fun you are having in your mint condition.
It seems like just a week ago that you and your Wife were here at SGU checking out my project.

Be before I let this thread creep abit off course thanks for the heads up on the product APPS you have tried


Had a friend give me Ipad & Forefight 101. Then I bought an Ipad and downloaded the free trial version for Foreflight 2 days prior to flying From Townsend MT to Llano TX. I loaded a flight plan into it and decided no charts in the plane. When we launched, I handed it to my non-pilot daughter and said you're navigating. She had it figured out before we were half way across Wyoming. Great tool.

Free Trial version ran out a few weeks ago. so after talking with another friend who likes Garmin pilot, I loaded the Pilot app to test run it for a month. Haven't used it on a trip yet...and don't plan to. When compared to Foreflight, it is much harder to figure out for me.

Thinking about testing WingX...but have a XC and race next week in Washington, so might just pony up the $75 for Foreflight.

Never had a heat issue with my Ipad, but readability is a problem in the plane. Still a great flight planning tool and backup navigation device in flight
RE ???????????

Frazer .... Stop it now you killing me. I thought I could just moouch off you guys to find out the best whizzy to buy!!!!!!

Thanks for the heads up and I am sure you are correct


Sadly you're going to have try all of them. I tried WingX and hated it, Foreflight works better for me...but it's all subjective and you really just need to try them out for yourself to find out what works best for you.

By the way, the other two "core" apps I have are myE6B and PilotFAR-AIM. I have AOPA Airports on there but rarely use it, and DTC DUAT which I never use.
RE: Panels and other stuff


Thanks for the info. They all look good. I really appreciate your input considering you deal with this stuff all the time.


I have tried all three, currently have Foreflight and Garmin on my iPad. I like Foreflight the best at the moment, but Garmin has some really slick stuff in it and when they do a few little improvements it'll be my 1st choice over the others.

Just one man's 2 cents!


The best Nav app that we use is Skydemon, in the air it is stunning.

Try it on free trial and make your own mind up.

In the complicated airspace in european skys we have not seen anything better for the type of flying we do.

It has american maps.

Just my tupenny worth.

I tested Skydemon. I like the look and functions. The biggest problem is after the crash it doesn't recover on last page. You need to reenter the data unlike FF.
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Best aviation apps for iPhone/iPad

Here's my choice:
Foreflight (for charts)
MyRadar (for weather)
PocketHorizon (for standby Artificial Horizon)
AeroWeather Pro (text weather for aviation reporting stations)
European EU map area?

I'm an avid Foreflight user in the states but no coverage in EU. Bummer!

Anyone know of nav apps that work in EU, particularly Greece & Italy?

Many thanks. :cool:
Foreflight - Hands Down

I can't say enough about foreflight, never ceases to amaze. Although haven't used it in an RV, I've probably flown 50 hours with it yoke mounted in a Cessna. I don't even look at the G1000 MFD. Flown a bunch of IFR and approaches, etc. too.

I run a 64 gb iPad2 without no issues whatsoever. It also performs equally as well off my 16gb iPhone4 and I previously ran it fine off an iPhone 3GS. I use the Bad Elf gps.

I've tried garmin, and a couple others but they haven't stuck like foreflight.

One tip for night flying is you can set up the triple click of the button to reverse the backlight/background from white to black. This dims it down nice for night. (similar to removing the terrain overlay from a garmin and just seeing the black background)

Flight planning (and filing) is amazingly simple and powerful in foreflight. You can even just type in the abbreviation for a star, dp, approach, such as "ANAHM3.SLI" right into your flight plan and it shows the route right into your flight plan on the map. I could go on and on....

Seems people have issues seeing the screen under the bubble canopy though... Which makes me sad to hear... Hopefully a new IPad when I'm up and running.
Greece app

Found that Air Nav Pro has maps and airspace for Greece & Italy.

Also, synthetic vision/terrain. Nice.

Will work till Fore Flight makes it over to EU. FF is better but for now...

I use ForeFlight in my Cherokee and at work. It is great, filing is easy. The geo-referenced approach plates are wonderful. I can easily recommend it.
I was reading LOOP magazine (on the iPad) and was intrigued by RunwayHD - but it appears to be Europe (or UK?) only so I can not evaluate it.
Just got a card in the mail offering Garmin Pilot "free on your mobile device for 6 months". Is it my imagination, or is Garmin trying to monopolize the market? I have Foreflight and like it, so I don't intend to change.