iPad 2 has improved CPU, Gyro

The two improvements announced that play a role for the aviation apps will be the improved / faster CPU and the Gyro from the iPhone 4. The display is generally unchanged as far as brightness and resolution.

Perhaps the big un-answered question will be if the new thinner case is better or worse for the overheating problems some pilots have reported.

The price has not changed which means there will be some number of original iPads showing up on the used market from the "must have the newest fasted toy" crowd.
Very elegant..Ipad 2

Specs show 3 axis gyro , accelerometer and digital compass.


Looks like you still need to get the cellular data capability to have the built in GPS.

AT&T or Verizon, but only 3G, not 4G, or if you believe AT&T's rebranding they already have 4G:D
One other nice feature of the iPad 2, for anyone in the market - it is really driving down the price of the iPad 1 ! If you don't need the new bells and whistles, a lightly used iPad 3G will be a good deal in another week.

The one thing that I noticed when they announced the iPad 2 is that it uses magnets to attach to the Smart Cover. I have no idea if the magnets are in the ipad 2 or in the cover itself, but it might be worth checking to see if it causes any problems with your compass.
Specs show 3 axis gyro , accelerometer and digital compass.


Looks like you still need to get the cellular data capability to have the built in GPS.

AT&T or Verizon, but only 3G, not 4G, or if you believe AT&T's rebranding they already have 4G:D

Maybe I am reading the table incorrectly but it looks like the gyro and accelerometer is only in the WiFi version only.
Maybe I am reading the table incorrectly but it looks like the gyro and accelerometer is only in the WiFi version only.

Yep, you 're reading it wrong. The gyro and accelerometers are in all models, and like the iPad 1, internal GPS is only available in the 3G models.
what does Apple mean by "Assisted GPS"?

Assisted GPS is a technique whereby the device can optionally use cell tower proximity data to more quickly get a GPS fix. On an iPad, if 3G is on and connected to a tower, then it will use this knowledge to speed up the GPS satellite fixes. If 3G is off, then it just defaults to looking for satellites and then starts to determine it's fix.

I can not say with 100% certainty but I do not believe the iPad 3G's built in GPS is WAAS capable. If you don't need 3G for data and are only considering it for the GPS, a better option is to buy the WiFi only iPad and add the Bad Elf GPS (which is WAAS capable).
magnets for covers

The one thing that I noticed when they announced the iPad 2 is that it uses magnets to attach to the Smart Cover. I have no idea if the magnets are in the ipad 2 or in the cover itself, but it might be worth checking to see if it causes any problems with your compass.

Steve Jobs March 2 address- mentions magnets are both in the cover and the iPad 2 itself.
Do we really need 3G?

Since we can not use 3G in the air and since Wi-Fi seems ubiquitous (fast food, airports, home, etc) do we really need to pay for a data-plan for our aviation mostly I-pads?

Just wondering.

Allen Fulmer
data access- wi-fi hubs

do we really need to pay for a data-plan for our aviation mostly I-pads?

Just wondering.

Allen Fulmer

Nope... don't need a data plan. Convenient- yes, sometimes when wi-fi isn't available.

The new software update iOS 4.3 available the 12th of March is reported to allow iPhone 4s to act as a wi-fi hub. Not sure how much AT&T will charge for that feature, but it would give internet access to a wi-fi iPad, computer.....etc, anywhere the phone could get internet access and have the added benefit of allowing your other wi-fi devices access as well. However, I'm not at all impressed with AT&T data access with my iPhone. I've got the "unlimited" data plan, and it is anything but. I can be at the gym wanting to get the latest Click and Clack podcaste, and it refuses to download it, saying it is too big, you need wi-fi. So much for unlimited:(

That has encouraged me to look elsewhere. Anybody used the Sprint/Sierra Overdrive 4G hub for providing data access? Seems like that small unit offering a 4G connection to all your wi-fi devices could be a nice addition.
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The new software update iOS 4.3 available the 12th of March is reported to allow iPhone 4s to act as a wi-fi hub.
Actually, that capability exists now and has for some time, if you are willing to take the plunge and jailbreak your phone. Two very popular JB apps allow you to use your iphone as a wifi hotspot (mywi) and fool it into thinking that it's on wifi for larger downloads, facetime etc (my3G.)

The last thing I heard was the AT&T was going to charge $45/ month for wifi hotspot capability. Mywi is a one time $20 app purchase.

Jailbreaking 101: http://www.tipb.com/2010/11/09/jailbreak-quickguide-common-tools-terms-apps/
Actually, that capability exists now and has for some time, if you are willing to take the plunge and jailbreak your phone. Two very popular JB apps allow you to use your iphone as a wifi hotspot (mywi) and fool it into thinking that it's on wifi for larger downloads, facetime etc (my3G.)

The last thing I heard was the AT&T was going to charge $45/ month for wifi hotspot capability. Mywi is a one time $20 app purchase.

Jailbreaking 101: http://www.tipb.com/2010/11/09/jailbreak-quickguide-common-tools-terms-apps/

Last time I checked, if you jailbreak your phone, you're on your own, no warranty!
Last time I checked, if you jailbreak your phone, you're on your own, no warranty!
Technically correct, but... if you need to take it in for warranty repair, you can always restore it to non-JB status, assuming that whatever is wrong does not prevent you from booting it up. If you are unable to even power the thing up, well, how are they going to know that it's jailbroken?

This is one of the issues to consider when deciding to JB. I think the risk/ reward ration is very small, but it is a personal choice. JB is not for everyone, but the benefits are great.

Actually, that capability exists now and has for some time, if you are willing to take the plunge and jailbreak your phone. Two very popular JB apps allow you to use your iphone as a wifi hotspot (mywi) and fool it into thinking that it's on wifi for larger downloads, facetime etc (my3G.)

The last thing I heard was the AT&T was going to charge $45/ month for wifi hotspot capability. Mywi is a one time $20 app purchase.

Jailbreaking 101: http://www.tipb.com/2010/11/09/jailbreak-quickguide-common-tools-terms-apps/

Thanks for the point out. About 8 years ago I was using a Treo on the Sprint network to tether with the laptop. It was nice to have access, but the 3rd party software was horrible. For those of us that simply don't want to futz with managing the wild west of software-hardware compatibility and buy Apple, jailbreaking is sorta going backwards:D. That FAQ you linked to discusses compatiblity issues, loss of data, and other "hassles". From your experience how much time and effort goes into messing around with maintaining the jailbroken device?
From your experience how much time and effort goes into messing around with maintaining the jailbroken device?
Almost none. I do experience the occasional crash, but I did with my non-JB iphones as well. I've had the 2, 3G and now the 4. If the non-JB iphone is 99% stable, then I would rate the JB phone as 98% stable. I suspect that the folks who have had problems with it are the ones that are really going hard core with hacking into their phones. If you simply want to be able to run JB apps like Mywi, you shouldn't have those problems. And, you always have the option to restore it to the original state.
Almost none. I do experience the occasional crash, but I did with my non-JB iphones as well. I've had the 2, 3G and now the 4. If the non-JB iphone is 99% stable, then I would rate the JB phone as 98% stable. I suspect that the folks who have had problems with it are the ones that are really going hard core with hacking into their phones. If you simply want to be able to run JB apps like Mywi, you shouldn't have those problems. And, you always have the option to restore it to the original state.
This has been exactly my experience, in reality, no more issues then otherwise.

One thing that I hated I* products was how limited and locked down it was/is. I still feel that way that Apple tries to nickel and dim you with their product. There is really no reason that we can not use USB flash cards for more storage, but that is all a different tread and discussion.

Anyway, both my iphone and ipad are jail broken and now I can use any blue tooth GPS and don't have to pay yet for another subscription for data on my ipad as I can teather my iphone to have that access which I am already paying for.