
Well Known Member
RE: High Oil Temperature Fix ????

In this thread ......


I have described, tried to fix, been given great advice, and help in trying to resolve my engines high oil temperature issue.

I am going to the airport to begin the process of giving the external oil temperature remediation systems a good going over. Extract the 90 degree oil filter bracket and add the new and improved gasket. Remove the oil cooler and oil cooler hoses for inspection and cleaning.

And hope that this will reveal the culprit in my 5 month saga to get the oil temps back in line.

Now with that said in anticipation of still no joy I am interested in the Vetterman Solution to oil temp control. If those of you that added this to your aircraft have information, instructions on how to apply the system, parts to buy, and pictures of the installation I would be ever so greatful.

I have read all the threads I could find on his project but each has come up a bit short in the install process, diagrams, pictures, and affect of adding this system.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Frank @ 1L8 ... RV7A ... flying but in sick bay !!!!
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RE: Oil Adapter Gasket

Got out to the airport early this AM and was able to remove the 90 degree oil filter adapter and inspect it closely. I also removed the oil cooler lines and gave them a good inspection. I also Purged the oil cooler with air and found that it was as clean as a whistle ....... Put the system back together and ran the engine to check for leaks .....NONE NOTED....

Of interest was how different the original oil filter adapter gasket is as compared to the new one that ECi sent to me.

Original gasket:


New Gasket:


America's engine folks were a bit concerned when they learned that I was among a number of engines that were built back in 07 with the unusual gasket. Suggested I should make the change but felt that it wouldn't help in my high oil temp delimma!!!!!!

I hope to get out to the airport tomorrow and beat the afternoon bad weather that is expected and fly the plane to see if the changes help lower the oil temp.

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A...
Since I have one of their engines it scares me that they let a engine out of the factory with that gasket. I suspect you may have found the problem. Your certainly going to flow a lot more oil through the system without that constraint. Let us know how the test flight goes!


Since I have one of their engines it scares me that they let a engine out of the factory with that gasket. I suspect you may have found the problem. Your certainly going to flow a lot more oil through the system without that constraint. Let us know how the test flight goes!


Hi George

No Joy.....Test flew today and the oil temp is still high. But, I do have some peace of mind knowing I have a better gasket installed.

So what to do. Highest oil temp in May was 209 like the previous 22 months and then zoom in June 245 plus. I have Check the verna it is OK, three different oil sensors and checked them for acccuracy the last one was OK, inspected the baffles all intact with now APPARENT problem, checked the oil hoses/oil cooler they appeared OK.......SO WHT TO DO???????

Maybe start with the air flow from begining to end see if I am missing something. Maybe a new larger oil cooler but it worked in May why not now.
So ??????????????????????????

By the way Brian maybe both hands fingers crossed will do the trick!!!!!;)

Frank @ 1L8 ... RV7A .... still in sick bay
I tried both hands, but had trouble typing.:D

I forget what your panel looks like. Do you have data recording set up? If so can you go back and find if there was a step change in oil temp? or did it go up gradually over a flight or three? Not sure what to think but may help you troubleshoot.
Hi George

So what to do. Highest oil temp in May was 209 like the previous 22 months and then zoom in June 245 plus. I have Check the verna it is OK, three different oil sensors and checked them for acccuracy the last one was OK, inspected the baffles all intact with now APPARENT problem, checked the oil hoses/oil cooler they appeared OK.......SO WHT TO DO???????

Maybe a new larger oil cooler but it worked in May why not now.
So ??????????????????????????

Sounds like we have a very similar situation with our TMX-360 in our 7a. We saw temps up to 245 this summer in the peak of the heat. I flew it this weekend and did a hard climb from 1k to 10k coming back from TN. Oil temp stayed right around 200 in the now much cooler air.

We are considering going to a larger oil cooler (still mounted on baffle) just to give us some margin on those hot summer days. We are considering the 10 plate Aero-classic if we can fit it in.

Keep us advised.
Have you verified the oil temp with one of those hand-held temp guns? A poor electrical connection could possibly be your culprit, leading to inaccurate temps.

I know in an earlier thread you've mentioned that you have a plenum on top of the engine for cooling the cylinders, and the oil cooler in the usual rear baffle position behind cyl #4, so that should provide lots of positive air pressure to feed thru the oil cooler fins... unless something could possibly be pressurizing the lower cowl area too much which would thwart airflow from passing thru the oil cooler.

Have you exhaustively checked everywhere around the front of the cowling to see if there is any kind of ram air leak that could get into the lower cowl area? A while back, one VAF member noticed a small gap between the upper and lower cowl halves near the front air inlet, that was contributing to high CHTs.

His thread is here: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?p=560076#post560076

A similar leak anywhere around the front of the cowl, spinner, induction intake, etc, that allows the lower cowl area to get even slightly pressurized, could have a big affect on getting enough airflow thru the oil cooler.

As I've mentioned earlier in the other thread, we experienced an episode where a small bit of rubber baffle seal got folded wrong, and it let ram air pressure from up front near the inlet ramps get into the lower cowl, and it caused a dramatic and quick rise in oil temperature without affecting CHTs hardly at all.
RE: More $$$$$$ for the fix

Well I have come full circle and am back where I started. Or SHOULD HAVE STARTED(After triple checking baffles, oil temp sender, verna, ect ect ect......). High Oil Temp, now let me see, either not enough air through the system or not enough ejected from the system?????

I was fooled in to believing my cooler was adequate because I absolutly knew for sure that Darwin Berrie had the same set up as me. An 8406R cooler. But not so fast. In this thread I finally paid attention to the fact that he in fact was running with the 8432R. See comment #4


So why is that so important? We both, if I am not mistaken, are running a Robbie Attaway inspired ECi engine setup. The main difference is, though, is he would argue, his third wheel is in the proper location. Darwin if your out there and have the time chime in and correct any fables I am telling. Also any data points that will help me would be appreciated.

So with the 8432R his oil temps are held at bay while mine are sky high with the 8406R.

So, I have had a number of conversations with the good folks at Pacific Cooler and am about to pull the trigger on their new and improved version of the SW 8432R. As a side note some of you may know that Pacific is now building and owns the rights to the AeroClassic line of oil coolers. They have built, tested, and are going to produce their 8432R Clone at a reduced price as compared to the SW 8432R.

The Clone is same height, same thickness, but is 1 inch wider than the 8406 This presened a problem of placing on the baffling behind #4. So I made a card board mock up and used that to see just where I could place it. I used this thread as my guide. See page 6 and 7 .......


My props control/Aux air would not allow a firewall install like David's, Absolutely no room available behind #3. Slight but minimal chance on the left side engine mount.....so back to Van's typical placement point. If I move it down an inch, back an inch, and to the left an inch it may just fit behind #4 on the baffles. Now I know that the firewall and engine mount offer an optimum location for vibration. But as mentioned I will not have that possibility. Plus, I kinda agree with Paul in this thread as to placement and potential outcomes. See #2


I have designed the mount and as soon as the cooler arrives I will fabricate it. Order up a new oil hose, and necessary fittings. Put it together and go fly.

Am I missing anything????????????:eek:

Brian cross those fingers .......

Frank @ 1L8 ... RV7A
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8406R cooler is just too small for ECI IO-360

For some reason, I was under the impression that you were already running a larger cooler than an 8406...

Anyway, a fellow at my airport (leaker311 here on VAF) built an RV-7 with an ECI IO-360 and originally started with the 8406R cooler and it too was overwhelmed by the engine's heat output. He has since switched to a 10-row Aero Classic, just like Lostpilot28, and still has some high oil temps on hot days.

We have the SW 10599R, which is dimensionally similar external size and heat-shedding capacity as the two-pass 8432R cooler. It seems to be doing pretty well on the ECI IO-360 in the RV-8, but on the hottest days, can still get up to upper 220's in a climb, or when staying low/slow in the pattern and not getting the airspeed up enough to blow enough air thru the cooler. The CHTs never have been a problem, they always stay well below 400 even when the oil temp is high.

These ECI engines just simply need the biggest, baddest oil cooler you can physically install.
RE: Amen


"Amen", to all you said!!!!!

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... flying kinda

For some reason, I was under the impression that you were already running a larger cooler than an 8406...

Anyway, a fellow at my airport (leaker311 here on VAF) built an RV-7 with an ECI IO-360 and originally started with the 8406R cooler and it too was overwhelmed by the engine's heat output. He has since switched to a 10-row Aero Classic, just like Lostpilot28, and still has some high oil temps on hot days.

We have the SW 10599R, which is dimensionally similar external size and heat-shedding capacity as the two-pass 8432R cooler. It seems to be doing pretty well on the ECI IO-360 in the RV-8, but on the hottest days, can still get up to upper 220's in a climb, or when staying low/slow in the pattern and not getting the airspeed up enough to blow enough air thru the cooler. The CHTs never have been a problem, they always stay well below 400 even when the oil temp is high.

These ECI engines just simply need the biggest, baddest oil cooler you can physically install.
I have the SW8432 mounted off the rear baffle #4cyl of my IO-360 Lyc.(not ECI)
mock up pic

1st run pic showing placement

I also have the James cowl, plenum, 4 pipe exhaust AND I have had cooling issues when hot and slow. Cruise temps are fine, CHT's <400, oil ~200 when OAT's 75-80 at Altitude. Quick turns are worst and I need to step climb or at least climb out at 140. I think some of my cooling while slow is the tight plenum above #2cyl. I'll be building a new one this winter with more volume.

Still got those fingers crossed Frank.
RE:Crossed Plus


Great Pix. It tells me I will be able to get the 8432R Clone in there...

Keep those fingers crossed...unless of course you are typing.:D

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A...

I have the SW8432 mounted off the rear baffle #4cyl of my IO-360 Lyc.(not ECI)
mock up pic

1st run pic showing placement

I also have the James cowl, plenum, 4 pipe exhaust AND I have had cooling issues when hot and slow. Cruise temps are fine, CHT's <400, oil ~200 when OAT's 75-80 at Altitude. Quick turns are worst and I need to step climb or at least climb out at 140. I think some of my cooling while slow is the tight plenum above #2cyl. I'll be building a new one this winter with more volume.

Still got those fingers crossed Frank.
temperature problems

When I finished my RV8 years ago, I experienced the same High oil temps. I finally found that the only oil coolers that worked is a Niagara/Harison 10 row
cooler installed behind the rear cylinder baffle on the left side tilted done approcimately 30-45 degrees. Tilting down as noted made all of the difference because it directed the airflow down toward botton rear outlet. If you want to discuss in more detail, call me at 920 619 6968.
I have a lycoming IO 390, 215 hp, fuel injected and electronic ignition.
Dick Martin
RE: Thanks

Hi Martin

Sorry for not getting back and thanking you for the offer of info. If my idea and installation don't do the job I will give you a call.

Frank @ 1L8 ... RV7A ...

When I finished my RV8 years ago, I experienced the same High oil temps. I finally found that the only oil coolers that worked is a Niagara/Harison 10 row
cooler installed behind the rear cylinder baffle on the left side tilted done approcimately 30-45 degrees. Tilting down as noted made all of the difference because it directed the airflow down toward botton rear outlet. If you want to discuss in more detail, call me at 920 619 6968.
I have a lycoming IO 390, 215 hp, fuel injected and electronic ignition.
Dick Martin
RE: NEW COOLER has arrived

Finally, the new Aeroclassic clone of the Stewart Warner 8432 has arrived. Now to see if it will fit and if it will lower my oil temps.

I have appreciated all the imput especially the pictures of installations. These have helped in my design to get this cooler to MAYBE fit on a standoff at the back of #4 cyclinder. I couldn't find anyplace else....unless I made some major changes FWF.

So off to the airport to see what ....................



Frank @ 1L8 ... RV7A ...
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Do you know if he still had trouble after he did the switch? Or if his problem was fixed?

Hi Axel

Sadly N74BZ was sold Jan 2013. It now is owned by a wonderful individual and retired Air Force pilot in North Carolina.

New larger oil cooler really helped subdue the ECi oil squirter high oil temp enduced problem. I do believe that Allen's cowl flaps would have also helped. I did increase the exit air by cutting back the bottom of the cowl aft 1 to 2 inches also. Not sure if that also was helpful......???? Two plus years without my log is a bummer to rebuild my memory.

Anyway I sure miss the RV flying and hanging with the airport usual suspect all the time. I will be helping a good friend and F1 Rocket pilot build a Carbon Cub EX.
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Oil temp

Axo ,
I installed a 17 row cooler , can email pics if you like . Feel free to post them .
It worked for us

Axel, we installed the AeroClassic clone and it solved our problem with oil temp. Rarely see anything over 200 on oil temp now. Weak link is now CHTs, installed one cowl flap that helped, will probably put in 2nd one at next CI. PM if I can provide any details.