
Well Known Member
RE:Garmin GA35 WASS Antenna Location

I have all my antenna locations decided upon and wired....YES....but.....I have yet to decide on the GPS Garmin GA35 WASS antenna. I have noted that many have placed it forward on the firewall with success both in terms of satellite acquisition as will as ease of placement. I also am only aware of a few failed antenna in that area that may or may not be a consequence of the palcement. I have contacted a dealer in the know that said the min / max temp for this antenna ...as tested...is -55 C and a +85 C. Therefore the top end temp is 185 F. so the question is what is the temp at the firewall. If less than 185 C I will place on the forward side of the firewall. Any help on temp zones under the cowl would be appreciated.

Frank @ SGU RV7A Engine/FWF/Electrical/last 99.9% :rolleyes:
I had my panel wired at Aerotronics and asked Jason there about mounting my 430 WAAS antenna under the cowl and he advised against mounting it any where under there because of the heat. He also reminded me that I had to use all the antenna wire Garmin recommends even though I was only 24 inches from the unit. I took his advise and mounted my antenna on the forward deck of my RV9A just in front of my wind screen and coiled up several feet of wire and hung it up on a rib. I haven't flown yet but, on the ground, I get good reception.