
Well Known Member
RE: Fuse Moved to 1L8

The big day has finally come.....The fuse is moved to the airport.

After much worry (needless) and loss of sleep ( I am an old man..think of it as extra life) the aircraft hauling truck arrives.....

On the road to 1L8. Extra points for naming the peak in the picture!!!:eek:

One step closer to the day when this machine will be in the air. It is finally in a real-honest to goodness aircraft hangar faciltiy.

Like most activities in building the plane, proper preparation/$$$$$$$$$$$/and help from good folks the job got done with out a problem.

Frank @1L8....RV7A...finally at the airport ...at least the fuse is.
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RE:Stable Mate

I thought it appropriate to thank Wayne's F1 Rocket for allowing Buzz
(N74BZ) to become his stable mate.

This wonderful mural hangs above the two airplanes...or should I say one and a half airplanes.

Thanks go to Don and Dave for helping get the plane to the hangar......

Tomorrow will be the move of the wings.......Stay tuned.

Frank @1L8 ...RV7A...Moving parts to the airport:D
Cool Frank!

Great job Frank. I can't wait to see your plane the next time I am in town.
I will try and drop by on my way to Death Valley next week.