
Well Known Member
RE:FG Fun...Targa Strip

Here is a close up of my Tip Up (RV7A) FG Targa Strip. Except for the main gear upper intersection fairings this is one of the last FG fabrications.

The strip should help in keeping water out of the cabin area. The canopy/baggage plexi was one of the few excellent fabrications and fit on the canopy. For what ever reason I have found the canopy a real challenge. But as they say, "alls well that ends well."

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... Paint about to begin
Targa Strip

I made one too, the only thing different is I added a layer of Carbon Fiber for extra strength. It's nice to be able to raise or lower the canopy by grabbing the strip and not worrying about breaking it off. Fits tight too! I see you made side strips-I tried that, but they didn't work out. Hope you have better success with them....